Board of Supervisors
This list reflects Board membership at the time of publication of this catalog in August 2013. |
Term Expires on June 1 |
Mr. Robert “Bobby” Yarborough, Baton Rouge, Chairman |
2020 |
Ms. Ann D. Duplessis, New Orleans, Chair-Elect |
2018 |
Mr. Ronald Anderson, Baton Rouge |
2020 |
Mr. Scott Angelle, Baton Rouge |
2018 |
Mr. Scott Ballard, Covington |
2018 |
Mr. R. Blake Chatelain, Alexandria |
2020 |
Mr. Garret “Hank” Danos, Larose, Chairman |
2016 |
Dr. John George, Shreveport |
2018 |
Mr. Stanley J. Jacobs, New Orleans |
2018 |
Mr. Raymond J. Lasseigne, Bossier |
2016 |
Mr. Jack E. Lawton, Jr., Lake Charles |
2016 |
Mr. Lee Mallett, Iowa |
2018 |
Mr. Rolfe McCollister, Jr., Baton Rouge |
2018 |
Mr. James W. Moore, Jr., Monroe |
2020 |
Mr. J. Stephen Perry, New Orleans |
2016 |
Mr. Brandon Crain - Student Member - LSU Alexandria |
2015 |
F. King Alexander, Ph.D., President of the LSU System and Chancellor of LSU A&M; Secretary to the Board
Carleen N. Smith, Administrative Secretary |
Executives of the University System
F. King Alexander, Ph.D., President and Chancellor of LSU A&M
Carolyn H. Hargrave, Ph.D., Vice-President for Academic Affairs and Technology Transfer
Charles Zewe, Ph.D., Vice-President for Communications and External Affairs
Wendy Simoneaux, C.P.A., Chief Financial Officer; Assistant Vice President for Budget and Finance
Shelby McKenzie, General Counsel
Executives of LSU Eunice
William J. Nunez, III, Ph.D., Chancellor
Sheila Renée Robichaux, Ph.D., Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Arlene C. Tucker, C.P.A., M.B.A., Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs
Judy Daniels, M.S., Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Enrollment Services
LSU Eunice Administrative Council
William J. Nunez, III, Ph.D., Chancellor
Michael P. Broussard, M.P.A., Director of Physical Plant
Judy Daniels, M.S., Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Enrollment Services
Kenneth Elliott, Ph.D., Interim, Registrar and Director of Admissions
Randall Estes, Ed.D.., Head, Division of Liberal Arts
Paul R. Fowler, Ph.D., Director of Developmental Education and Institutional Effectiveness
Alfred Fruge, B.S., Director of Information Technology/Institutional Research
John Hamlin, Ph.D., Head, Division of Sciences and Mathematics
Robin Hedge, Special Assistant to the Chancellor for Affirmative Action-Equal Opportunity
Danielle Johnson, M.A., Director of Bengal Village
Jacqueline Lachapelle, B.S., Director of Financial Aid
Madelaine B. Landry, M.S., Director of LSUE Foundation and Institutional Development
Dorothy McDonald, M.A., Head, Division of Health Sciences and Business Technology
Janice Nix-Victoian, Ph.D., Director of Student Support Services
Gerald F. Patout, M.L.I.S., Director of the Library
David Pulling, M.A., Director of Continuing Education
Van Reed, B.S., Director of Public Relations
Sheila Renée Robichaux, Ph.D., Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Donnie Thibodeaux, B.S., Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs
Arlene C. Tucker, C.P.A., M.B.A., Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs
Faculty Senate Chair, ex officio
Staff Senate Chair, ex officio