Jan 15, 2025  
2013-2014 Academic Catalog 
2013-2014 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

7. University Regulations

System of Semester Hours

The value of each course of instruction and the amount of work required for completion of each of the two-year programs are stated in terms of semester hours. A semester hour of credit represents one hour of lecture or recitation or two hours of laboratory work (in certain courses, three, four, or eight hours) per week for a semester.


Students may attend class only after completion of registration, including payment of fees as stipulated in “Fees.” The Office of the Registrar will provide evidence of proper registration to instructors. Students whose names are not on the official roster cannot attend class unless they provide evidence that they have registered for the class.

Registration after the final date provided in the University Calendar must be by special permission from the Office of Academic Affairs. A student may add courses for credit, drop courses, or make section changes within periods provided in the University Calendar.

A student registered at LSU Eunice may not receive credit at LSU Eunice for work taken concurrently at another college or university without prior written approval from the Office of Academic Affairs.

If a student changes home or local address after registration, he or she is expected to notify the Office of the Registrar in writing at once. The student will be held responsible for a communication from any University office sent to the address last given and may not claim indulgence on the plea of having moved lodgings and, therefore, of not having received the communication.

Under the provisions of Act No. 185 of the 1985 Louisiana Legislature and in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University: “No person who is required to register for the federal draft under the provisions of the Federal Military Selective Service Act shall be eligible to enroll in a post-secondary school until such person has registered for the draft.” Students are responsible for complying with this Act prior to registration at LSU Eunice. Proof of registration must be provided before a student is eligible to be admitted to LSU Eunice.

Grading System

Faculty members are expected to announce to classes the general components from which the final grade will be determined, along with their approximate weights, at the beginning of the semester. On request, students should be provided a review of all graded material, including final examinations, which contribute to the course grade, and a review of the method by which the grade was determined. Unreturned examinations and graded materials are kept on file for at least six months following the conclusion of a course. If the faculty member leaves the campus during this period, these materials will be filed in the departmental office.

  1. Grades of “A,” “B,” and “C” are given for satisfactory work. A grade of “A” indicates distinguished mastery of the course material; a grade of “B,” good mastery; a grade of “C,” acceptable mastery. A grade of “D” indicates minimally acceptable achievement for credit (in some programs a grade of “D” in certain courses does not carry degree credit). A grade of “F” is failing. A grade of “P” (passing) denotes satisfactory completion (grade of “C” or better) of advanced-standing examinations, pass-fail option courses, and certain other courses. A “W” will be entered on the student’s record for any course dropped within the dates specified in the academic calendar for that semester. After that time, students may not drop courses unless authorized to do so by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. This regulation applies to all courses dropped, including those dropped when a student resigns from the University.
  2. Work which is of passing grade but which, because of circumstances beyond the student’s control, is not complete may be marked “I” (incomplete). Under normal circumstances, the request for an “I” grade must be made prior to the final examination date for the course in which the “I” grade is being requested. An I grade is given only upon receipt by the instructor of appropriate authorization from the Office of Academic Affairs. If authorization is not received, the instructor is to consider that the delinquent work is of failing quality, and an “I” grade is not to be given. It is the responsibility of the student to initiate the request for authorization. A grade of “I” will be converted to “F” unless it is removed prior to the deadline for adding courses for credit in the next regular semester as published in the University Calendar. In extraordinary cases, the Chancellor may authorize that the “I” grade become permanent or may authorize an extension of time for removing the grade. A student may not repeat a course for which the LSU Eunice grade of record is an “I.”
  3. The grade-point average of a student is determined by the ratio of quality points earned to semester hours attempted. Quality points are assigned to letter grades as follows: “A”-four quality points; “B”-three quality points;
    C”-two quality points; “D”-one quality point; “F”-no quality points. Grades of “P,” “NC,” “I,” and “W” are not used in the computation of the official grade average of a student, and, therefore, do not carry quality points. All courses taken for which grades of “A,” “B,” “C,” “D,” or “F” are assigned, including repeated courses, are considered in calculating grade-point averages.

Degree of Precision in Grade-Point Averages

For all academic purposes, grade-point averages shall be specified to three significant figures (two decimal places), with the last figure to reflect rounding from a four-significant-figure (three decimal places) average where such is available. If the third figure after the decimal point is a five or higher, upward rounding shall occur. If the third figure after the decimal point is less than five, it shall be dropped, regardless of what the fourth or subsequent figures may be. Thus, 3.9550 becomes 3.96, and 3.9549 becomes 3.95. Regardless of the results of rounding, no student shall be deemed to have graduated with a 4.0 average if any grade other than A or Pass for courses completed appears on the transcript. Any grade-point average cited to only one decimal place (as 2.0) shall be construed to mean, mathematically, a figure accurate to two decimal places (as 2.00), regardless of the text.

Procedural Requirements for Obtaining a Diploma or Certificate

  1. Students must state their intent to graduate by completing an Application for Degree/Certificate no later than the registration period for the academic session in which they expect to complete degree requirements. A $20.00 diploma fee is due at this time. The diploma fee will be $25.00 if the student is registered as degree only.
  2. Students must meet all the general degree requirements stated in the “Associate Degree Programs ” section of this catalog.
  3. All financial indebtedness to the University must be cleared prior to graduation.
  4. Candidates for degrees are expected to participate in the commencement exercises unless excused by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Enrollment Services.
  5. Once the student has completed the appropriate degree application form and paid the diploma fee, the student’s transcript will be evaluated for graduation. Transcripts evaluated for graduation will reflect all work through and including the last semester completed at LSU Eunice. It is the responsibility of the student to bring to the attention of the appropriate division or department head any subsequent work that may not be entered on the transcript (i.e., advanced placement credit, transfer work, etc.).

Scholastic Regulations

A. General

Scholastic regulations embody the academic standards of a university. The application of the following regulations is directed toward upholding the standards of this University, specifically to impose the requirement of satisfactory academic progress. Continuation of students who have demonstrated a lack of the necessary ability, preparation, industry, or maturity to make such progress and to benefit from a program of university study is inconsistent with the purposes and responsibilities of the University.

The academic regulations which follow set forth the conditions for good standing, probation, and exclusion and are intended to be consistent with the following objectives:

  1. To indicate to students, at an early date and with regularity, that achievement below the standards required for graduation is regarded as unsatisfactory.
  2. To allow beginning students the opportunity to remain in school until they have attempted at least the equivalent of one academic year as a full-time student.
  3. To give to students who perform poorly a warning which may prompt them to seek timely help from instructors, counselors, or other appropriate sources.
  4. To prevent students who lack the required motivation or maturity from building a deficiency of quality points so great that it cannot later be overcome.
  5. To state the standards and the consequent results of inadequate scholastic performance clearly enough that students, parents, faculty, and administrators can know the academic action (if any) which would follow from a particular academic record.

B. Definitions

Cumulative Average

A student’s cumulative average is calculated by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total number of semester hours attempted.

Good Academic Standing

Good academic standing is defined as the typical status of a student who has an overall 2.00 (“C”) grade-point average.

C. Scholastic Requirements Probation and Suspension

Students can be placed on scholastic probation only on the basis of unsatisfactory grades made in college.

  1. Students who have attempted a minimum of 12 semester hours will be placed on academic probation whenever their cumulative grade point averages fall below 2.000. Once on academic probation, a student will remain on probation until a cumulative grade point average of 2.000 or higher is achieved.
  2. Students who are on academic probation and who have attempted a minimum of 24 semester hours and who fail to achieve a semester grade point average of at least 2.000 will be suspended for one semester.
  3. Students who transfer to LSU Eunice with less than 24 semester hours and who have a cumulative grade point average of less than 2.000 will be admitted on probation and subject to the scholastic requirements listed above. Transfer students who are currently on suspension from their previous university or college are not eligible for admission to LSU Eunice.

D. Provisions for Students Dropped from the Rolls of the University

Students can be placed on scholastic probation or dropped from the University on the basis of unsatisfactory grades only at the end of a regular semester. Students cannot be placed on probation or dropped from the University on the basis of work taken during the summer term. However, academic work during the summer term can result in a student being removed from a probation or dropped status.

  1. Students who are dropped for the first time for academic reasons may not be considered for readmission until they have been out of the University for one regular semester. However, students may apply for readmission through the academic appeal process in the Office of the Registrar.
  2. Students who have been dropped twice for academic reasons must remain out of the University for at least two regular semesters. Students may apply for readmission through the academic appeal process in the Office of the Registrar. For more information on the appeal process, see Student Appeals.
  3. Students who have been dropped three times or more for academic reasons will be dropped indefinitely. These students will not be eligible to reapply for admission for one year. They must apply for readmission through the academic appeal process in the Office of the Registrar.
  4. Students who have been readmitted after having been dropped for academic reasons will be on scholastic probation when they return.
  5. Students who have been dropped for scholastic reasons may not obtain credit toward a degree in this University with credits earned at another institution during the period of their ineligibility to register in the University. (However, they may register on a non-credit basis for correspondence courses offered by the University.)
  6. Students who have been dropped may enroll in summer school at LSU Eunice. Students who remove all quality point deficiencies during the summer term may enroll in the fall semester. Removal of all quality point deficiencies means that, because of credit earned during the summer, the student’s LSU and overall grade-point average is now 2.00 or greater. Unless the LSU and overall grade-point average is 2.00 or greater at the end of the summer term, the student will have to comply with the terms of his or her drop status.

E. Registration Restriction

Freshman students are admissible to a course numbered above 1999 provided all stated prerequisites have been met, either by advanced placement or by having completed prerequisite courses.

F. Requirements for Transfer Students

The academic status of a student from an institution outside the LSU System who qualifies for admission to the University will be determined in accordance with the above scholastic regulations.

G. Withdrawal Grades

A “W” will be entered on the student’s record for any course dropped within the dates specified in the academic calendar for that semester. After that time, students may not drop courses unless authorized to do so by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. This regulation applies to all courses dropped when a student resigns from the University.

H. Notification of Academic Status

Students will be promptly notified of changes in their academic status which may affect their eligibility to enroll in the University.

I. Credit for Repeated Courses

When a student, having taken a course in the LSU System, is permitted to repeat the course in the LSU System for credit, the latter of the two grades earned shall be the one which determines acceptability of the course for degree credit. All instances of repeated courses are included in grade-point average calculations; however, credit will be awarded only for the last repetition. A student may not repeat a course in which a grade of “C” or better has been earned unless the catalog description indicates that the course may be repeated for credit or the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs approves the repetition for some special reason. If a student registers for a course in violation of the above policy, the student may be denied degree credit for the course. A student may not repeat a course for which the LSU Eunice grade of record is an “I.”

Students who receive a grade of “F” in a course must repeat the course in the LSU System in order to receive credit for it. With the concurrence of the head of the department in which the course is given, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs may make exceptions in individual cases.

Advanced-Standing Program

The advanced-standing program is open to students possessing superior ability and academic preparation. The program permits eligible students to demonstrate academic competence through examinations. Students who earn acceptable scores on these examinations are placed in higher level courses and receive credit in courses by-passed. Credit by examination is limited to 30 semester hours. Credit is awarded only in areas which fall within LSU Eunice’s regular curricular offerings and which are appropriately related to the student’s educational goals. This credit cannot be used to reduce the minimum residence requirement for graduation. Students may qualify for advanced-standing credit in the ways listed below:

  1. LSU Eunice Departmentally Administered Examinations: considered equivalent to final examinations. Ordinarily, to initiate examinations, students must obtain permission from the head of the departments offering the courses and the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Students may apply for these tests only after they have been admitted to the University. A student must petition to take an LSU Eunice Departmental Examination by the end of the mid-semester examination period. In certain disciplines, departmentally administered examinations may be required for placement purposes. Otherwise, tests will be given subject to the following conditions:
    1. The student must have been admitted to the University* and must be in good academic standing. If the examinations are taken while the student is not enrolled in the University,* credit will be granted after registration for residence study. Advanced-standing examinations will be void and credit disallowed if a lapse of more than one calendar year occurs between the time the advanced-standing examination is taken and the student’s initial enrollment on this campus. For foreign languages the time period is two calendar years.
    2. To initiate examinations, a student must obtain permission from the head of the departments offering the courses and the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. After such permission is granted, the Office of the Registrar will issue an official permit. No instructor may give an advanced-standing examination until the official permit has been received.
    3. If a grade of C or higher is earned on the examination, a mark of P and regular credit in the course are entered on the student’s record. If a grade lower than C is earned, only the fact that the examination has been attempted will be recorded; credit will not be allowed. A student may take an advanced-standing examination in a particular course only once.
    4. Students are not permitted to schedule advanced-standing examinations in courses in which they are currently enrolled; in courses which they have audited; in courses in which they have earned unsatisfactory grades; or in courses in which they have dropped with grades of “W.”
    5. Credit earned through advanced-standing examinations will not be used in computing the student’s grade-point average.
    6. At LSU Eunice, advanced-standing examinations are given free of charge only to those students who are invited to take examinations at LSU Eunice. All other students must pay a fee of $10 per credit hour (certain exceptions may be made for nursing examinations).
  2. The American College Test: Scores earned on this test are used as a basis for allowing credit in freshman English and Mathematics.
  3. The Advanced Placement Examination of the College Entrance Examination Board: Advanced placement and credit will be granted in appropriate subjects to freshmen who earn a grade of 3, 4, or 5 on the advanced-placement examination. About one-fourth of American secondary schools currently participate in the Advanced Placement Program of the College Board. Each May, these examinations are administered by the College Board to students who have participated in the program. For information on general program data and policies, contact Advanced Placement Program, The College Board, 45 Columbia Ave., New York, New York 10023-6917. There is a $10 per credit hour fee for the posting of credit through the College Board. The following table shows credit awarded by LSU Eunice and the score requirements:

* Include all campuses of the LSU System

Examination Minimum Score Courses Hours Credit
Art, History of 3 ART 1440  or ART 1441  3
  4 ART 1440 , ART 1441  6
Biology 3 BIOL 1001   3
  4 BIOL 1201  3
Chemistry 3 CHEM 1201 , CHEM 1202  6
Computer Science A 3 CSC 1248  3
Computer Science AB 3 CSC 1248  3
English Language & Composition 3 ENGL 1001 , ENGL 1002  6
  4 ENGL 1001 , ENGL 1002  and ENGL 2020   or ENGL 2025  9
  5 ENGL 1001 , ENGL 1002  and ENGL 2020  , ENGL 2022  or ENGL 2025 , ENGL 2027  12
English Literature   Same as above  
French Language 3 FREN 1001 , FREN 1002  8
  4 FREN 1001 , FREN 1002 , FREN 2101  11
  5 FREN 1001 , FREN 1002 , FREN 2101 , FREN 2102  14
Government, Politics (U.S.) 3 POLS 2051  3
History, American 3 HIST 2055  or HIST 2057  *3
  4 HIST 2055 , HIST 2057  6
Mathematics: Calculus AB 3 MATH 1431  3
  4 MATH 1550  5
Mathematics: Calculus BC 3 MATH 1550  5
  4 MATH 1550 , MATH 1552  10
Physics B 3 PHYS 2001 , PHYS 2002  6
Physics C: Mechanics 3 PHYS 2101   3
Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism 3 PHYS 2102  3
Spanish 3 SPAN 1101 , SPAN 1102  8

 *The specific course will be decided after the department interviews the student.

  1. Subject Examinations of the College Level Examination Program of the College Entrance Examination Board: policies governing minimum required scores and the acceptance of credit are established by the appropriate academic departments. LSU Eunice allows credit on CLEP subject examinations in 18 areas. (Credit is not allowed for CLEP general examinations.) Departmental course credit recommendations for satisfactory scores on CLEP subject examinations are included in the chart below. There is a $10 per credit hour fee for the posting of credit for CLEP subject examinations.
CLEP Subject Exam Minimum Score LSU Eunice Equivalent Hours Credit
American History 50 HIST 2055  or HIST 2057  3
American Literature 60* ENGL 2071  or ENGL 2072  3
Analysis & Interpretation of Literature 59* ENGL 2025 , ENGL 2027  6
Biology 55 BIOL 1001 , BIOL 1002 , BIOL 1005  8
Calculus with Analytic Geometry 65 MATH 1550  5
College Algebra 50 MATH 1021   3
College Algebra: Trigonometry 50 MATH 1023  5
College Composition 58 ENGL 1001 , ENGL 1002   6
English Literature 55* ENGL 2020 , ENGL 2022  6
General Psychology 55 PSYC 2000  3
Human Growth & Development 52 Unspecified psychology course 3
Introductory Macroeconomics 50 ECON 2010   3
Introductory Microeconomics 50 ECON 2000  3
Introductory Micro- and Macroeconomics 50 ECON 2030  3
Introductory Sociology 46 SOCL 2001  3
Money and Banking 50 ECON 2035  3
Trigonometry 50 MATH 1022  3
Western Civilization 65 HIST 1001 , HIST 1003   6

*The essay is required; if not furnished, departmental testing is required.

Class Attendance Requirements

Students are responsible for ensuring that they are properly registered for their classes. To derive maximum benefit from a course, the student should attend class regularly and punctually. Absence from class for any reason, avoidable or unavoidable, results in a loss to the student. Absences, if excessive, may be a direct cause of low achievement or even failure. Regular class attendance is a vital part of academic success; therefore, the following attendance regulations should be observed:

  1. The student is responsible for attending all classes regularly and punctually.
  2. The student must resolve his or her absence and class tardiness with the instructor. The student is also advised to file an explanatory statement of absences with the Office of Student Affairs.
  3. When in the judgment of the instructor a student for any reason has missed a class often enough to jeopardize his or her position in the class, the instructor will refer the student to the Office of Student Affairs.
  4. After incurring an excessive number of absences, the student may be placed on attendance probation.
  5. A student on attendance probation may be dismissed from the University should additional absences occur.
  6. A student dropped for non-attendance of classes will not be eligible to reenter the University until after the following semester.

Schedule Changes

Up through the last day to add classes or change sections for a given semester, students who want to change their class schedule should first consult with their faculty advisor before making a schedule change using the myLSUE registration system. After the last day to add classes and up through the final date to drop or resign, schedule changes will be completed on line using the myLSUE registration system that can be accessed by students over the Internet. The effective date of the schedule change is the date that the change is made by the student or his or her faculty advisor. This date will be used to determine whether or not the student has met the various deadlines specified in the current academic calendar. The on-line registration process used at LSU Eunice will allow students to drop all of their courses with the exception of the last course. Students withdrawing from all courses in which they are registered must complete a Resignation Form in the Office of the Registrar.


  1. The policy regarding grades for students who resign is included in the Scholastic Regulations section above.
  2. A student who resigns from LSU Eunice or who is dropped from LSU Eunice for any reason may be ineligible to re-enroll for a semester or longer, depending upon the student’s academic standing at the conclusion of the semester during which he or she resigns or is dropped.
  3. To resign officially, a student must initiate a Resignation Form in the Office of the Registrar.
  4. The date on which the completed Resignation Form is signed by the student in the Office of the Registrar is the effective date of the resignation. This date will be used to determine whether or not the various deadlines specified in the current academic calendar have been met.
  5. Students who absent themselves from the University without leave and without official resignation will, at the end of the semester, receive grades of “F” in courses for which they are registered. In addition, students receiving Title IV financial aid who leave the University without officially resigning will be held to the return of funds policy as designated by the Department of Education once an official withdrawal date has been established.


At Louisiana State University Eunice, students remain in the freshman classification until they have completed 29 semester hours of work. Students having completed 30-59 semester hours of work are classified as sophomores.

Maximum and Minimum Work

All full-time students must register for a minimum of 12 semester hours of course work. Students will be permitted to register for not more than three semester hours of work in addition to the number prescribed for the current semester in their curriculum, providing they have maintained an average of B, and have not fallen below a grade of C in any subject during the preceding semester, but in no case will a student be permitted to register for more than 21 semester hours of degree credit. Students are not allowed to schedule more than 19 hours without approval of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

Students who are unable to carry the entire work required in their curriculum may be permitted to register for a smaller number of semester hours; however, they cannot be classified as full-time students with fewer than 12 semester hours.

For the summer term a student must register for at least 6 semester hours to be classified as a full-time student. Ten semester hours of credit is the maximum for which a student may register during a summer session.

Pass-Fail Option

Some courses have been approved to be graded pass-fail for all students enrolled. In addition, limited use of a pass-fail option is available to non-matriculating students. Non-matriculating students wishing to petition for pass-fail grades must have the appropriate form approved by the instructor of the course, and the division head.

Until and including the last day for adding courses for credit, students may, with appropriate approval, change from pass-fail to graded status and vice versa. No such change may be made after the last day for adding courses for credit. Credit will be awarded for courses passed with a grade of “P”; however, such grades will not be considered in computing the grade-point average. An “F” in a pass-fail course will be treated as any other “F”.


A student may be admitted to classes as an auditor by obtaining written permission from the appropriate division head to audit the course. Auditors will not receive University credit, nor will they be permitted to take an advanced-standing examination on work audited. However, courses previously audited may be later taken for credit. Changes from “credit” to “audit” must be made prior to the deadline for adding courses or making section changes. Courses taken for “audit” do not count towards fulfilling degree requirements, nor do they fulfill eligibility requirements for the receipt of financial aid.


Final examinations are required and are given at the end of each semester or summer term in accordance with the schedule issued by the Office of the Registrar. All exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. A student absent from a final examination because of illness or other valid reason may take a special examination upon the approval of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and the consent of the instructor.


All students must participate in required departmental and campus-wide assessment efforts.

Grade Reports

Students may access their grades online through the myLSUE student registration system.

Student Appeals

It is the University’s policy to provide students with well-established appeal procedures for questioning the validity of any regulation, rule, policy, requirement, or procedure as it applies to the individual student. It is recognized that student dissatisfaction which will result in an appeal may range from a simple disagreement over the interpretation and application of a departmental rule, to a more severe dispute over the application of a particular University regulation to the student’s own situation, to a very serious charge of discrimination or violation of constitutionally guaranteed rights. Although recognizing the wide range of possible complaints, and varying degrees of seriousness of complaints, the University has developed a uniform appeal procedure to be followed for all appeals, except the following: the challenging of any traffic or parking summons or citation and grievances growing out of student employment.

It is the University’s basic philosophy that student appeals can best be, and, hence, should be, settled at the lowest possible administrative level and settled as quickly as practicable. The following general provisions apply to student appeals:

  1. The decision to utilize an appeal procedure shall be voluntary on the part of the individual student. All students shall have the right to make appeals without fear of coercion, harassment, intimidation, or reprisal from the University or its employees for the act of utilizing an appeal procedure.
  2. No University employee is to take reprisal action against a student for the act of making an appeal. However, it should be understood that capricious charges made by a student against a University employee may make that student liable to action through the courts.
  3. The University recognizes the rights of all parties, the students filing an appeal, and employees against whose action the appeal is filed, to impartial appeal decision-makers.
  4. The student shall have the right to have an advisor, or advisors, present at all discussions and hearings held as a part of an appeal; however, the advisor would not normally be used at the initial discussion between the student and the University employee. The advisor(s) may be a friend, a parent, a faculty member, an ombudsman, an attorney, or any other person chosen by the student.
  5. If an appeal alleges that the cause of the appeal grows out of an inappropriate action by a particular employee or employees of the University, the employee or employees shall also have the right to be present at all appeal meetings and/or hearings. The employee may have an advisor present at all such meetings.
  6. The confidentiality in all appeal proceedings shall be maintained in accordance with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.

Consistent with the general policy statement above, the University provides the following types of appeals:

  1. General Appeals. A student may use the general appeal procedure to formally question the validity of any University regulation, rule, policy, requirement, or procedure as it applies to him or her, except as listed in 2 and 3 below. Examples of general appeals are
    1. Student Grade Appeal. Appeals of final grades must be initiated by the student within 30 days after the beginning of the next regular semester.
    2. Student Loan Default Appeal. Students have a right to appeal the decision by LSU Eunice to withhold academic transcripts due to a defaulted student loan or other financial obligations owed to LSU Eunice. Such appeals on the LSU Eunice campus are heard by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.
    3. Student Appeal of Academic Ineligibility. Students who have been dropped from the rolls for academic reasons may appeal for readmission. The application and supporting documents must be received in the Office of the Registrar by the deadline posted in the Academic Calendar  .
  2. Challenges of University Traffic Citations. A special procedure is available whereby a student may challenge any University traffic citation issued to a vehicle operated on campus by a student or for the benefit of a student. Such challenging must be initiated within one week of the date of issuance of the citation.
  3. Grievances by Student Employees of the University. Students who are also employees of the University shall have the right of appeal when work rules and other conditions of employment result in dissatisfaction.

Detailed procedures for filing appeals are available from the following administrative offices: Office of Academic Affairs (academic appeals); Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Services (traffic citations); Office of Financial Aid (grievances by student employees).

Transcript of Record

Upon request, a student who has attended LSU Eunice may obtain a transcript of work completed provided the student is current in his or her financial obligations to the University. The cost is $5 per transcript. Persons wishing to order an LSU Eunice transcript may find additional information here: http://www.lsue.edu/site368.php.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), post-secondary students enrolled at Louisiana State University Eunice are hereby notified of their rights with respect to their education records. They are:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the University receives a request for access. Students should submit to the registrar, division head, vice chancellor, or other appropriate official, written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The University official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the University official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
  2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education record that the student believes is inaccurate or misleading. Students may ask the University to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the University official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the University decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the University will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
  3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the University has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Regents; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Upon request, the University discloses education records without consent to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Louisiana State University Eunice to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education 600 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20202-4605.

FERPA further provides that certain information, designated as “directory information,” concerning the student may be released by the University unless the student has informed the University that such information should not be released.

Directory information includes: the student’s name, address, e-mail address, telephone listing; date and place of birth; dates of enrollment; classification; major; degree(s), honors, and awards received; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; height and weight of athletes; and photographs.

A student who desires that any or all of the above listed information not be released must complete a non-disclosure form in the Office of the Registrar.

Standards of Behavior

The prestige and standing of Louisiana State University Eunice will be determined not only by its academic offerings, its faculty, and physical facilities, but also by the reputation of its students. It is therefore expected that students will conduct themselves at all times so as to bring credit to themselves, to their family and community, and to the University. Each student bears the responsibility of maintaining the most desirable and acceptable standards of behavior in all aspects of University life. It is the responsibility of each student at LSU Eunice to know and observe all of the rules and regulations regarding student behavior. The LSU Eunice Code of Student Conduct contains regulations and responsibilities applicable to the students, faculty, administration, and University. Students should consult the Code for details about their rights and obligations. The Code of Student Conduct is contained in the Student Handbook, which is available at www.lsue.edu/handbook.

Policy on Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment consists of unsolicited and unwelcome sexual behavior. It is coercive or offensive conduct in a non-reciprocal relationship.

Sexual harassment can take various forms:

  1. “Quid pro quo” sexual harassment consists of requests for sexual favors, either implied or explicit, when submission to such requests is made a condition of continued employment, advancement, improved grades, or participation in a University activity.
  2. “Hostile environment” sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexual flirtation, graphic or degrading comments or gestures of a sexual nature, and the display of sexually offensive objects or pictures. Sexual harassment does not refer to occasional compliments of a socially acceptable nature; it refers to repeated behavior which is unwelcome and personally offensive.
  3. “Sexual assault” consists of unwelcome physical contact of a sexual nature. It includes kissing, stroking, fondling, coerced sexual intercourse, and rape or attempted rape.

Sexual harassment can occur between members of the same sex as well as members of the opposite sex. It can occur between peers as well as between people who are in a supervisor/subordinate relationship. It can occur between any members of the LSU Eunice campus community, including faculty, staff, and students. An incident of sexual harassment can also occur between a member of the LSU Eunice community and a visitor, patron, client, or contractor working for LSU Eunice.

It is the policy of this institution that all members of the campus community should be able to enjoy a work and/or educational environment free from sexual harassment. Such conduct as described above-whether committed by supervisors, non-supervisors, faculty, staff personnel, students, visitors, contracted personnel, or others-is prohibited. All members of the University must be aware of sexual harassment, whether intended or inadvertent, and take a proactive stand against it.

Supervisors shall take a proactive role in preventing sexual harassment. They must understand the LSU Eunice policy and procedure on sexual harassment and enforce acceptable behavior among faculty, staff, and students; observe and be aware of potential sexual harassment behaviors in and out of the classroom; model appropriate behavior; and alert the Assistant to the Chancellor on Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity (AA/EO) should an incident occur.

The AA/EO Officer shall promote awareness and sensitivity of sexual harassment issues across the campus. Should an incident occur, the AA/EO Officer shall take the appropriate steps to resolve the incident in an expeditious and impartial manner.

Any questions regarding either this policy or a specific fact situation should be addressed to the appropriate supervisor or personnel officer or to the AA/EO Officer, Room 105, Science Building, LSU Eunice, P.O. Box 1129, Eunice, Louisiana 70535; phone (337) 550-1201.

University Discipline

The LSU Eunice Committee on Student Conduct is responsible for the administration of discipline which involves a violation of the Code of Student Conduct. Final approval of disciplinary action is vested in the Chancellor.


No student will be permitted to represent the University in any matter unless he or she is classified as a full-time student and participation is with the approval of the University.