Jan 21, 2025  
2013-2014 Academic Catalog 
2013-2014 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

5. Admission to the University

Louisiana State University Eunice assures equal opportunity for all qualified persons without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap, marital status, or veteran’s status in the admission to, participation in, or employment in its programs and activities. The University operates on a two-semester plan with an additional summer term and two intersessions. Qualified applicants may register at the beginning of any session.

Procedures for Admissions

Students can apply on line by visiting the web site at www.lsue.edu/apply and completing the online application. Online applications will not be processed until the Business Office receives the $25 application fee. The fee can be paid with a credit or debit card online or by calling 337-550-1262 or by mailing a check or money order to the LSU Eunice Business Office, P.O. Box 1129, Eunice, LA 70535.

The deadline to apply for each semester is the last day of Regular Registration. Application deadlines vary each semester and are published in the academic calendars in the general Catalog and each semester’s Registration Guide. Applications received by the published deadlines will be given top priority in preparation for registration. Because applications received after the deadlines are processed as time permits, anyone who applies after the deadline may have to wait during registration for the admission process to be completed. Thus, all applicants are encouraged to submit their applications as early as possible prior to their intended enrollment.

Students expecting to receive financial assistance (grants, loans, scholarships, etc.) should have applications for admission and all supporting academic materials on file in the Admissions Office so that they can be fully admitted to the University prior to the day of registration. Failure to comply could adversely affect the awarding of financial aid monies. Any question regarding financial aid should be directed to the LSU Eunice Office of Financial Aid.

Orientation for Freshmen, Transfer, and Reentry Students

Orientation/Registration offers incoming students a chance to learn about the university and meet with staff from key campus departments. It helps ease the transition into college life by providing vital information and opportunities for interaction with students, faculty, and staff. Students can also have their ID cards created, visit with an academic advisor, and register for classes. Orientation is MANDATORY for the following: first-time freshmen and re-entry or transfer students who have earned less than 24 semester hours of college credit. Upon being admitted to LSU Eunice, students can register for Orientation/Registration online at http://www.lsue.edu/orientation. There is a $15 orientation fee. Students enrolled in the CALL program are exempt from orientation.

Parent/Spouse Orientation - LSU Eunice Campus only

Parents and spouses of orientation students may attend orientation at no additional charge. They will have the opportunity to attend a separate program to learn about the University. Representatives from various departments will meet with parents and spouses at a special information session designed just for them.


High school seniors applying for admission to the freshman class should submit their applications as early as possible in their senior year in high school. Applicants should request high schools to send transcripts of their complete scholastic records to the Admissions Office as soon as possible after high school graduation.

Note: Students who graduated from an approved Louisiana high school since 2002 do not need to request a transcript of high school work. This information is now obtained electronically from the statewide transcript system.

All applicants for admission to the freshman class are normally required to submit scores on the American College Test (ACT). High schools should have application forms for this test. Registration for ACT Tests can be completed online at http://www.act.org. Test centers are located throughout the United States, and tests are administered on five specific dates established by the testing service each year. Scores are reported to colleges and universities as requested by the student. Special testing arrangements can be made for applicants with documented disabilities.

Applicants are advised to take the ACT as early as possible in the senior year of high school. Scores on this test constitute a valuable aid in gaining insight into a student’s capacity for college work. They are used for placing students at appropriate levels in freshman courses, for counseling, and for selection of scholarship recipients. ACT scores older than five years will not be used for placement.

Freshmen accepted for admission are invited to participate in early registration provided their ACT scores are on file at LSU Eunice. Announcements giving dates and complete information regarding this program are sent to applicants and to high schools. The ACT code for LSU Eunice is 1587.

Transfer Students

Applicants who have been enrolled in college work should submit applications and official transcripts as early as possible proceeding the date that admission is desired. Eligibility for admission cannot be determined until the application and complete, official transcripts from each college and university attended have been received. Applicants must list on their applications each college and university attended and have transcripts sent from each institution attended, regardless of whether credit was earned or is desired. Any student who fails to acknowledge attendance in any college or university in which he or she has been registered may be subject to immediate dismissal from the University.

A student who is currently enrolled at another university when he or she applies for admission should request that the institution submit a current official transcript now and then submit a final official transcript at the conclusion of the term. Until the final official transcript is received and evaluated, the applicant is considered to be provisionally admitted. This provisional admission will be canceled and registration terminated if required records are not filed within the first two weeks of the semester from the first day of classes (1 week in the summer) or if the records do not meet requirements for admission.

A student enrolled in another college or university who is eligible to continue in that institution in the fall may register as a summer term only student. Such enrollment will terminate at the end of the summer term and does not pre-suppose or constitute admission to the University in the regular session. A summer term only student may submit, in lieu of official college records, a statement of eligibility to continue in the fall semester or term from the dean or registrar of the last school attended. This statement must include the total number of semester or quarter hours of credit previously earned, current overall grade-point average, and statement of good standing.

Students admitted on a summer-term-only basis who wish to become regular students in the fall semester must complete a new application for admission and must supply official transcripts of all college-level work previously taken.

Acceptance of Credit from Other Collegiate Institutions

Evaluation of credits from other institutions is made by the Office of Admissions. These evaluations are not made in advance of receipt of applications and official transcripts from each college and university attended. In general, credit earned in colleges and universities accredited by regional accrediting associations is given full value.

For schools not regionally accredited, the University is guided in its decisions regarding the acceptance of credit by the recommendations of Transfer Credit Practices of Designated Educational Institutions published by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers. Credit for military training is normally granted in accordance with the recommendations of the American Council of Education (ACE) when such credit is determined to be applicable to degree requirements. Upon receipt of the student’s ACE transcript, the Registrar’s Office will forward a copy to the appropriate academic division heads for evaluation and awarding of credit. Degree credit will be posted on the student’s LSU Eunice transcript at a fee of $10 per credit hour. Credit awarded that does not apply to the student’s degree will be filed in the Registrar’s Office. The student has the option of posting these additional credits on the LSU Eunice transcript at a cost of $10 per credit hour. Credit earned in other non-accredited settings is not generally recognized. However, applicants who are admitted are given an opportunity, usually through advanced-standing examinations, to validate some or all of the credit previously earned.

Nontraditional credit (credit earned in any way other than through residence study) is awarded according to University policy as stated in this catalog, regardless of the policy of the sending institution. Credit earned by departmental or institutional examinations in other accredited colleges and universities and listed on the official transcript is recognized in the same way that residence credit earned in those institutions is accepted. Students who have taken subject examinations in the College Level Examination Program or who have participated in the Advanced Placement Program of the College Entrance Examination Board should have examination scores sent directly to the Office of the Registrar for evaluation (refer to the “University Regulations ” section of this catalog for additional information regarding the advanced-standing program). There is a $10 per credit hour fee for posting to the transcript credit earned by this examination. Credit is not awarded for experiential learning except as validated in appropriate advanced-standing examinations at LSU Eunice.

Any credit accepted for transfer is, in all cases, subject to review by the student’s department with reference to its applicability toward a particular degree, and the student is expected to conform to all requirements of the chosen degree program. Questions relating to the evaluation of credits toward a degree program and the length of time required for completion of degree requirements should be referred to the appropriate academic department.

Admission of International Students

International students with superior scholastic records and adequate English proficiency are considered for admission as freshmen and as transfer students. Freshman applicants must be graduates of recognized secondary schools comparable in level to U.S. high schools. Transfer applicants are considered on the basis of secondary school records, as well as records of post-secondary study (university, institute, or technical schools). Factors considered in making the admission decision are grades earned, subjects taken, ability to carry a full course of study, scores on the college entrance examinations (such as the American College Test, The Scholastic Aptitude Test of the College Entrance Examination Board, or the Prueba de Aptitud a Academica), appropriateness of proposed field of study in relation to the applicant’s general ability, and letters of recommendation.

Applicants whose native language is not English are required to submit a score of 500 or better on the paper-based Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or a score of 173 or better on the computer-based TOEFL or a score of 61 or better on the Internet-based TOEFL. This is a test designed to evaluate proficiency in English and administered at testing centers overseas and throughout the United States. Information regarding this test may be obtained by writing to TOEFL, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey 08540.

The following materials must be in the Office of Admissions at least 90 days before the beginning of the semester in which admission is desired:

  1. application for admission;
  2. a non-refundable application fee of $25-check or money order drawn on a United States bank;
  3. complete, official scholastic records;
  4. a score of 500 or better on the paper-based Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or a score of 173 or better on the computer-based TOEFL for applicants whose native language is not English;
  5. a valid passport (F-1 Visa is required);
  6. I-94 form (white card stapled inside of passport);
  7. any old I-20’s from U.S. schools previously attended;
  8. I-134 Affidavit of Support (establishes proof of availability of sufficient funds to meet all costs while studying at the University for one year).

When sufficient scholastic records and acceptable evidence of English proficiency and financial support are not received early enough to determine admissibility for the semester for which application was made, consideration will be delayed until the following semester.

All international students on F-1 student visas are classified as non-residents.

International student applicants possessing a valid “Resident Alien” Card will be processed for admission under the guidelines listed elsewhere in this catalog and will not be required to submit the documentation listed above.

Immunization and Health Records

In compliance with state law, LSU Eunice has adopted an immunization policy to protect the students, faculty, and staff from outbreaks of measles, meningitis, mumps, rubella, tetanus, and diphtheria. The policy applies to all students born after 1956 if they are enrolling for the first time at LSU Eunice. New students are provided a Proof of Immunization Compliance Form at the time of admission. The form should be returned to the Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Services, Acadian Center, Room 112. For more information, phone 337-550-1217. Students will not be allowed to complete registration unless they have furnished proof that they have satisfied the immunization requirement. That requirement can be met either by furnishing proof of immunity or by signing a waiver claiming exemption from the immunization policy.

To verify immunity to measles, meningitis, mumps, rubella and tetanus/diphtheria (MMRTD), students must provide either proof of two immunizations for MMRTD since birth or one immunization for MMRTD at age 15 or later. Proof must be a statement from a physician, public health clinic, or other health care provider stating the dates of immunization or occurrence of disease or the results of antibody titers proving immunity. A copy of a “shot” record furnished by a clinic or health care provider is satisfactory. TD must have been completed within the last 10 years and meningitis within the last 5 years prior to submission. Students may claim exemption from the immunization requirement for medical, personal, or religious reasons. Details about exemption and a waiver statement that students requesting an exemption must sign are included on the immunization form. However, in the event of an outbreak of meningitis, measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, or diphtheria, the University will require non-immunized students to leave the campus and will exclude them from class until the outbreak is over or until they submit proof of adequate immunization.

The immunization form and proof of immunization must be submitted to the Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Services, LSU Eunice, P. O. Box 1129, Eunice, LA 70535. The immunization form may be downloaded from the LSU Eunice website. In addition, LSU Eunice requests that each student complete a health record containing a brief medical history and the person to be notified in case of an emergency. The health record is included on the immunization form. All immunization and health records will be kept confidential.

Persons Convicted of a Crime

University regulations provide that a person who has been convicted of a crime or who has been committed to a correctional, penal, or training institution must have served the full sentence imposed, been pardoned, issued a final discharge by the board of parole or other competent authority, been placed on parole, or been placed on a work-release program before his or her application may be considered. Such an application is reviewed by a University committee and an admission decision is made on the basis of information submitted to the committee after an interview with the applicant.

Academic Requirements for Admission

Applicants who meet educational requirements as listed below are considered for admission. Any admissions problem not covered by University regulations will be referred to the appropriate campus committee. In such instances, the person applying for admission will be permitted to submit materials on his or her behalf for the committee’s consideration.

Mathematics Assessment and Placement

Students scoring a 19 or higher on the MATH section of the ACT as set by the Louisiana Board of Regents will be placed into the appropriate college level math course based on ACT score. Students scoring an 18 or below on the MATH section of the ACT must take a math assessment during orientation or be automatically placed in MATH 0001 . Students may contact the Division of Sciences and Mathematics at 337-550-1233 or the Office of Developmental Education at 337-550-1433 for additional information and current acceptable scores.

New first-time freshmen scoring a 17 or 18 on the MATH section of the ACT may be eligible for co-requisite enrollment in developmental mathematics (MATH 0021  or MATH 0015 ) and general education mathematics (MATH 1021  or MATH 1015 ) during their first semester. Please contact the Division of Sciences and Mathematics at 337-550-1233 for more information.

Requirements for Freshmen

Louisiana residents who are graduates of state approved high schools or who hold the G.E.D. and who have not attended a college or university will be considered for admission to the freshman class when they have made application. Residents of Louisiana who have not attended another college or university and who are not graduates of state approved high schools may apply for admission by submitting their G.E.D. transcript. Students who have graduated from a high school not approved by the State Department of Education or who do not have a G.E.D. transcript can be admitted under the Ability to Benefit provision. Such students must be at least 17 years of age and must take the Compass test for placement into the appropriate level of English composition and mathematics. Students admitted under the ability to benefit provision do not qualify for financial aid (Contact the Office of Financial Aid for more details). Students who do not have Compass test scores or whose scores indicate that college preparatory courses are needed will be placed into the appropriate courses and programs.

Applicants who are not residents of Louisiana who have appropriate academic qualifications will be considered for admission. Factors such as high school grades, rank in class, and grades earned on recognized tests (such as those given by the American College Testing Program, Compass, and the College Entrance Examination Board) are considered in evaluating the high school record.

Requirements for Transfer Students

Undergraduate students with satisfactory records in other colleges and universities are eligible to apply for admission to LSU Eunice as transfer students. The extent to which credits earned in accredited colleges and universities are accepted toward the completion of an associate degree program the student follows at LSU Eunice is determined by the appropriate division head. Evaluations of courses will not be made in advance of receipt of completed applications and official transcripts from each college and university attended.

A resident of Louisiana who has attempted fewer than 12 hours of college credit will be considered on the same basis as a student who earns a similar record at LSU Eunice. All transfer students must be eligible to re-enroll at the last college or university last attended. Transfer applicants who have been suspended from another college or university will not be eligible to enroll at LSU Eunice until the period of suspension has passed. If the applicant has successfully appealed the suspension at the previously attended institution, he or she will be considered for admission upon receipt of the transcript indicating removal of the suspension.

In the computation of the scholastic average, a grade of “A” carries four quality points per semester hour; “B,” three quality points; “C,” two quality points; “D,” one quality point; “F and “WF,” no quality points. All courses taken, including “repeated” courses and unresolved “incomplete” courses (a grade of “I” is computed as an “F”), except those in which grades of W are recorded, are included in the computation of the average. LSU Eunice computes the grade-point average on all courses taken, including repeated courses, courses with incomplete grades (an unresolved “I” is computed as an “F”), and those with any other grades, except “W,” “WA,” “WB,” “WC,” “WD,” “WF,” “unsatisfactory,” and “no credit.” In the computation of the scholastic average, a grade of “A” carries four quality points per semester hour; “B”=3; “C”=2; “D”=1; and “F”=0. The symbols of “+” and “-” are disregarded. Grades of “pass,” “credit,” and “satisfactory” will be treated alike and will be counted as earned hours, but not in the computation of the GPA. “Fail” will count as hours attempted, but not as hours earned, and will be used to compute the GPA, including any remedial course work. This policy is followed, regardless of the practices of the sending institution. The University grading system and scholastic regulations are given in detail in the section of the catalog titled “University Regulations .” Scholastic regulations are applied to transfer and reentry students on the same basis as continuing LSU Eunice students.

A Louisiana resident whose records do not meet transfer requirements may appeal a denial of admission through the Office of Academic Affairs. If admitted through the academic appeal process, the student may be placed on scholastic probation.

Requirements for Former Students

Students whose last college enrollment was in the LSU System or who have scheduled one-half or more total hours of college work attempted in the LSU System may be considered for readmission if they meet scholastic requirements for continuing students.

Students previously enrolled in the LSU System who have subsequently enrolled in another institution must meet requirements for admission as transfer students if more than one-half of the total college credits attempted were taken at other institutions.

Life-long Learner and Career Enhancement Students

Adults who wish to schedule part-time study, who have not been enrolled in high school during the past three calendar years or have not attended a university or college for the past year, and who do not plan to work toward a degree may be admitted as a life-long learner or career enhancement student without submitting the usual scholastic credentials needed to determine admissibility to the University. Students who are enrolling in courses solely for recreation or personal enrichment are considered life-long learners. Students who are enrolling in courses to enrich their professional/career development are designated as career enhancement students. Life-long learners and career enhancement students may schedule as many as nine semester hours in a semester and may earn as many as 24 semester hours in these designations. Students who decide that they wish to work toward a degree or who wish to continue their enrollment after having completed 24 semester hours as a life-long learner or career enhancement student must apply for regular admission to the University. Students wishing to extend their life-long learner or career enhancement designations must be granted special permission by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Once a student leaves the life-long learner or career enhancement designation, he or she can be granted one of these designations again only by special permission from the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Students applying for regular admission to the University must submit complete, official scholastic records. Credit and grades earned as a life-long learner or career enhancement student are included on the scholastic record.

Requirements for Home Schooled Applicants

 The following admission requirements must be met in order for home schooled applicants under twenty-one years of age to be accepted for admission to the University:

  1. Freshman applicants should submit their application for admission as early as possible in their senior year.
  2. All applicants should request to have their high school equivalency transcript (available if home schooling has been conducted through a nationally recognized home school accrediting agency) sent to the Admissions Office as soon as possible after completion of the 12th grade.
  3. All applicants for admission to the freshman class are normally required to submit scores on the American College Test (ACT). Applicants are advised to take the ACT as early as possible in the senior year of home schooling. Scores on this test are used for placing students at appropriate levels in freshman courses, for counseling, and for selection of scholarship recipients.
  4. In the event that a home schooled applicant has neither a home school transcript from a nationally recognized accrediting agency or a G.E.D., then he or she may apply for admission by entrance examination under the ability to benefit provision. Such applicants must submit Compass test scores for placement purposes.

Academic Bankruptcy

Under specified conditions, undergraduate students who have interrupted their college careers for a period of at least five consecutive calendar years may declare academic bankruptcy. Students must apply for academic bankruptcy within one calendar year from the start date of their first semester of enrollment or readmission as regular students to LSU Eunice subsequent to the five-year period resulting in eligibility for the academic bankruptcy option. Under this policy, college-level work done at an earlier date is eliminated from computation of the grade-point average and cannot be applied toward a degree at LSU Eunice. Such work, however, will not be removed from students’ scholastic records and transcripts. Academic bankruptcy may be declared only once and, once declared, may not be reversed. Students qualifying for academic bankruptcy are admitted on scholastic probation. Students should be aware that not all colleges and universities recognized academic bankruptcy policies of another institution, and may consider all courses previously attempted when determining admissibility or establishing a transfer grade point average. Academic bankruptcy declared at any other institution will be evaluated on an individual basis upon the student’s admission to LSU Eunice. Students may obtain details on this policy from their academic division head or the Office of the Registrar.

Advanced-Standing Program

Students of superior ability and preparation, and students who have already obtained a fundamental knowledge of subjects offered at the University, may be permitted to take advanced-standing examinations in specific courses. These examinations, if passed with satisfactory grades, will enable students to receive degree credit in the courses covered by the tests. The American College Test, the Advanced Placement Examinations and the Subject Examinations of the College Level Examination Program of the College Entrance Examination Board, and LSU Eunice departmental advanced-standing examinations may be used as a basis for allowing advanced-standing credit. Policies concerning these examinations are given in the “University Regulations ” section of this catalog.

Early Admissions

LSU Eunice is in the process of updating the policies regarding Early Admission. At the time of publication of the catalog, these policies have not yet been finalized. For up-to-date information, please contact the Office of Admissions at (337) 550-1305 or the Office of Continuing Education at (337) 550-1390.

Advanced College Program (ACP)

LSU Eunice is in the process of updating the policies regarding the Advanced College Program (ACP). At the time of publication of the catalog, these policies have not yet been finalized. For up-to-date information, please contact the Office of Admissions at (337) 550-1305 or the Office of Continuing Education at (337) 550-1390.

Residence Classification

The residence status of a student is determined by the Office of Admissions in accordance with University regulations and is based on evidence provided in the application for admission and related documents. Regulations relate primarily to the location of the home and the place of employment. A resident student is defined as one who has been domiciled in Louisiana continuously for at least one full year immediately preceding the first day of classes of the term for which residence classification is sought.

Since a student normally comes to LSU Eunice to attend the University rather than to establish a domicile in Louisiana, an individual who enrolls in the University as a nonresident shall continue to be so classified throughout attendance as a student, unless it is demonstrated that the previous domicile has been abandoned and a Louisiana domicile established. “Domicile,” as the term is used in the context of residence regulations, is defined as an individual’s true, fixed, and permanent home and place of habitation at which the individual remains when not called elsewhere for labor, studies, or other special or temporary purposes, and the place to which the individual returns after an absence. Factors considered in establishing residence classification are the residence of a student’s parents, parent’s tax returns and other financial information (particularly when emancipation is claimed), former domicile in Louisiana, location of the source of the student’s income (full-time employment of self or spouse), and the state in which the student is registered to vote. A foreign student on a student visa is classified as a nonresident. A foreign student possessing a valid “Resident Alien” Card may be classified as a resident for the purpose of admissions provided other resident criteria are met. Residence status is not determined for students auditing only.

Further information concerning residence classification may be obtained from the Office of Admissions at (337) 550-1305.