Feb 10, 2025
2019-2020 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
General Education Requirements
LSUE’s General Education Requirements result from a conviction of the faculty that all students need to reason logically, communicate effectively, and effectively engage the world around them.
General education courses are intended to
- cultivate the student’s artistic and scientific knowledge and appreciation;
- teach the student to communicate effectively a broad range of knowledge, beliefs, and emotions;
- teach the student to locate, analyze, synthesize, evaluate, and apply information effectively, including its effective communication to others; and to
- teach the student to apply the knowledge of natural science to natural phenomenon.
LSU Eunice believes that students should acquire a substantial knowledge when completing any associate degree program. All graduates of LSU Eunice degree programs are expected to demonstrate the following general education objectives.
LSU Eunice Expected Students Objectives
An LSU Eunice graduate will - demonstrate effective communication of complex knowledge and ideas.
- use processes, procedures, data, or evidence to solve problems and make effective decisions.
- apply knowledge of natural science to the exploration and analysis of natural phenomena.
- demonstrate an understanding of the cultural traditions and the human condition through a broad-based study of historical, cultural, and philosophical concepts.
- demonstrate an understanding of human behavior and the relationship between individuals and their societies.
- demonstrate an aesthetic and historical understanding of the arts.
The following list shows the minimum number of general education courses that must be completed by students to earn an associate degree at LSU Eunice. Associate of Arts and Associate of Science Louisiana Transfer
- English Composition Cr. 6
- Mathematics Cr. 6
- Natural Sciences Cr. 9 (3 courses: 2 courses in a biological/physical science area sequence plus one in the other area.)
- Humanities Cr. 9 (3 hours must be in Literature)
- Social Sciences/Behavioral Sciences Cr. 6 (3 hours must be at the sophomore level)
- Fine Arts Cr. 3
Associate of Science in Discipline
- English Composition Cr. 6
- Mathematics Cr. 6
- Natural Sciences Cr. 6 (Biological or Physical Sciences)
- Humanities Cr. 3
- Social Sciences Cr. 3
- Fine Arts Cr. 3
Associate in Discipline
- English Composition Cr. 6
- Mathematics Cr. 3
- Natural Sciences Cr. 6 (Biological or Physical Sciences)
- Humanities Cr. 3
- Social Sciences Cr. 6
- Fine Arts Cr. 3
Associate of Applied Science in Discipline*
- English Composition Cr. 3-6
- Mathematics Cr. 3
- Natural Sciences Cr. 3-6 * (Biological or Physical Sciences)
- Social Sciences Cr. 3-6 *
- Humanities Cr. 3-6 *
*A minimum of 15 credit hours is required, excluding English Composition. General Education Courses
The following list shows those courses that have been designated as meeting the general education requirements in seven broad curriculum areas. II. Mathematics/Analytical Solving
Competency Examinations in English and Mathematics
Students must meet one criterion in each of the following categories prior to receiving an associate degree at LSU Eunice: I. Competency in English
- Earn a minimum combined total score of 62 on the English score plus the composite score of the Enhanced ACT test.
- Make a minimum score of 3 on the College Board Advanced Placement Examination in English Literature and Composition.
- Earn a minimum score on the English competency examination administered by the Division of Liberal Arts. This examination is administered to students after they have completed ENGL 1002 .
- Earn a passing grade in ENGL 1002 .
II. Competency in Mathematics
- Earn a minimum score of 22 on the mathematics section of the Enhanced ACT test.
- Make a minimum score of 3 on the College Board Advanced Placement Examination in Mathematics (AB or BC Exam).
- Make a passing score on either the CLEP College Algebra or Calculus Examination.
- Earn a passing grade in MATH 1015 , MATH 1020 (CMAT 1213) , MATH 1021 , or MATH 1023 .
- Earn a minimum score on the mathematics competency examination administered by the Division of Sciences. This examination is administered to students completing MATH 1015 , MATH 1020 (CMAT 1213) , MATH 1021 , or MATH 1023 .