Mar 02, 2025  
2013-2014 Academic Catalog 
2013-2014 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Diagnostic Medical Sonography (Abdomen & OB / GYN) Certificate of Applied Science

This program prepares students as entry-level sonographers in the areas of abdomen and obstetrics/gynecology. Program graduates will receive a certificate in diagnostic medical sonography and will be eligible to take the national licensing examination in the disciplines of Abd. and OB/GYN.

Diagnostic medical sonography utilizes sound waves to produce high definition images of the body to aid in the diagnosis of the patient. The specialties of sonography that are used in the diagnostic field include areas of the abdomen, pelvis, heart, and vascular system.

A sonographer must have a thorough understanding and excellent knowledge of the organs and vasculature within the body. Competency and skill are required in order to attain the necessary images needed for each procedure being performed. The duties of a sonographer include working closely with patients and radiologists, obtaining high quality sonographic images, documenting all pathologic processes for interpretation by a radiologist, educating the patient on sonographic procedures and protocols being performed, communicating properly with patients and health care workers, and maintaining a professional and ethical manner.

Requirements for Admission

Admission to the Certificate Program of Applied Science in Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DMS) is on a selective basis. Selection recommendations are made by the Division of Nursing & Allied Health Selection Committee to the Division Head. The number of students selected each year will depend upon a number of factors, including the accreditation standards mandated by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Diagnostic Medical Sonography (JRC-DMS), as well as financial, personnel, and other resources available to the DMS program. Students must meet the following minimum criteria to be considered eligible for selection into the DMS program:

  1. Be fully admitted as a student to LSU Eunice.
  2. Submit to the Division of Health Sciences and Business Technology a completed DMS Selection Application Form accompanied
    by all required documents and a $10 non-refundable application fee. These materials must be received no later than March 1st of
    the year for which selection is being sought.
  3. Complete the following prerequisite courses:

Total: 23



Simply meeting the minimum criteria does not guarantee admission into the DMS program.

Eligible applicants will be considered on a competitive basis.

The Selection Committee will consider all relevant aspects of eligible applicants’ credentials and make recommendations based upon the relative merits of each candidate. The following variables will be considered in the selection process.

  1. Professional and/or education background, including years of experience.
  2. Academic record.
  3. Entrance Examination

The Division of Health Sciences and Business Technology will admit classes into the DMS program in the summer semester of each year. Selection decisions for the summer class are made at the end of the prior spring semester. Courses taken during the spring semester will be considered during the selection process. Selection decisions will normally be made and communicated to students by the first week in June. Though students not selected may reapply for admission to a subsequent class, such students must complete the entire application process and will remain subject to the eligibility requirements specified above.

Retention/Progression Guidelines

Acceptance into the LSU Eunice DMS program entitles the student to progress through the DMS curriculum along with the class to which he or she is admitted. In order for a student to be retained and progress in the curriculum, a student must:

  1. Maintain an LSU and an overall GPA of 2.0 or higher.
  2. Complete all DMS courses with a grade of “C” or better. The grading scale for all DMS courses is: A - 93-100; B - 85-92; C - 77-84; D - 65-76; F - below 65.
  3. Maintain current CPR certification (CPR for Heath Care Providers) and annual TB testing.
  4. Maintain health/immunization requirements.

Failure to progress with one’s class for either academic or other reasons will require that the student apply for readmission to a subsequent class.

Requirements for Readmission

A student whose enrollment is interrupted, either voluntarily or by compulsion, or who fails to earn a grade of “C” in a DMS course may be considered for readmission to the DMS program provided that the student is in good academic standing as defined in the “University Regulations ” section of this catalog. However, in no circumstances will a student be considered for readmission when the student has earned more than one “D,” “F,” or “W,” in required DMS courses.

Re-entry into the first summer semester requires completion of the entire application process with the March 1st deadline. A student will be considered for readmission only when there is clear evidence of his or her potential to complete the requirements of the DMS curriculum. In reviewing such applications, special scrutiny will be given to (1) overall grade-point average, (2) previous performance in DMS courses, and (3) grades earned in the specialty degree courses. Credit earned in required DMS courses five years or more prior to readmission must be validated by LSU Eunice departmental examination. The overall financial and personnel resources available to the program will also be a consideration in readmission decisions.

Transfer DMS Students

Students who wish to transfer with DMS credits are subject to the “Requirements for Admission,” “Requirements for Readmission,” and “Retention/Progression Guidelines” specified above. Students requesting transfer into the DMS program must:

  1. Arrange a personal interview with the DMS program director.
  2. At scheduled interview, potential candidates must have the following:
    1. Transcript(s) of all previous college/university work
    2. Course description and syllabus from completed DMS courses
    3. A Letter of Good Standing from the prior DMS program(s).

DMS credits will be evaluated on an individual basis. Decisions regarding transfer will be made based on eligibility in relation to the above “Requirements,” comparability of completed DMS courses, and the overall financial and personnel resources available to the program.

Special Provisions and Requirements

In addition to meeting all other specified curricular requirements, DMS students must (1) meet immunization and physical examination requirements, (2) maintain CPR Certification (CPR for Health Care Providers) for the duration of the program, and (3) assume responsibility for providing their own transportation to and from clinical agencies.

Curriculum in Diagnostic Medical Sonography