Oct 23, 2024  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog 
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

7. Campus Regulations

System of Semester Hours

The value of each course of instruction and the amount of work required for completion of academic programs are stated in terms of semester hours. A semester hour of credit represents one hour of lecture or recitation or two hours of laboratory work (in certain courses, three, four, or eight hours) per week for a semester.


Students may attend class only after completing registration, which includes payment of fees as stipulated in “Fees.” The Office of the Registrar will provide evidence of proper registration to instructors. Students whose names are not on the official roster cannot attend class unless they provide evidence that they have registered for the class.

Registering for courses, changing sections, dropping courses, or resigning from LSUE after the final date provided by the Academic Calendar must be by special permission from the Office of Academic Affairs. With certain exceptions, a student may add courses for credit, drop courses, resign from LSUE, or make section changes within periods provided in the Academic Calendar.

If a student changes home or local address after registration, then the student is expected to notify the Office of the Registrar in writing at once. The student will be held responsible for a communication from any LSUE office sent to the address last given and may not claim indulgence on the plea of having moved lodgings and, therefore, of not having received the communication.

Under the provisions of Act No. 185 of the 1985 Louisiana Legislature and in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University: “No person who is required to register for the federal draft under the provisions of the Federal Military Selective Service Act shall be eligible to enroll in a post-secondary school until such person has registered for the draft.” Students are responsible for complying with this Act prior to registering for classes at LSU Eunice. Proof of registration for the Selective Service must be provided if applicable before a student is eligible to be admitted to LSU Eunice.

Grading System

Faculty members are expected to announce to classes the general components from which the final grade will be determined, along with their approximate weights, at the beginning of the semester. On request, students should be provided a review of all graded material, including final examinations, which contribute to the course grade, and a review of the method by which the grade was determined. Unreturned examinations and graded materials are kept on file for at least six months following the conclusion of a course. If the faculty member leaves the campus during this period, these materials will be filed in the departmental office.

  1. Grades of “A,” “B,” and “C” are given for satisfactory work. A grade of “A” indicates distinguished mastery of the course material; a grade of “B,” good mastery; a grade of “C,” acceptable mastery. A grade of “D” indicates minimally acceptable achievement for credit. In some programs a grade of “D” in certain courses does not carry degree credit. A grade of “F” is failing. A grade of “P” (passing) denotes satisfactory completion (grade of “C” or better) of advanced-standing examinations, pass-fail option courses, and certain other courses. A “W” will be entered on the student’s record for any course dropped within the dates specified in the academic calendar for that semester. After that time, students may not drop courses unless authorized to do so by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. A student who stops attending or never attends a class for which the student is registered will not be assigned a “W’” unless the course(s) are dropped prior to the deadline in the Academic Calendar. The student will normally receive an “F” for such a class and may, as a result, be ineligible for further financial aid and/or for readmission for a semester or longer. This regulation applies to all courses dropped, including those dropped when a student resigns from LSUE.
  2. Work, which because of circumstances beyond the student’s control, is incomplete, may be marked “I” (incomplete) with the appropriate dean’s office permission.  “I” grades are only considered for approval when an extraordinary situation occurs at or after the university’s deadline to resign for the semester, as specified in the Academic Calendar.  In addition, the student must have completed at least 75% of course requirements, including homework, exams, submissions, or any other graded material, regardless of course modality. Under normal circumstances, the request for an “I” grade must be made prior to the final examination date for the course in which the “I” grade is being requested. It is the student’s responsibility to promptly notify an authorized representative of their academic dean’s office and provide appropriate documentation to support the “I” grade request. An approved “I” grade allows the student to make up coursework that was missed due to the extenuating documented circumstances. An “I” grade is given only upon receipt by the instructor of appropriate authorization from the student’s academic dean’s office. If authorization is not received, the instructor is to consider that the delinquent work is of failing quality, and an “I” grade is not to be given. A grade of “I” will be converted to “F” unless it is removed prior to the final date for resigning without a “W” in the next semester or session, excluding intersession, as published in the Academic Calendar. In extraordinary cases, the Chancellor may authorize that the “I” grade become permanent or may authorize an extension of time for removing the grade. A student may not repeat a course for which the LSU Eunice’s grade of record is an “I.”

  3. The grade-point average of a student is determined by the ratio of quality points earned to semester hours attempted. Quality points are assigned to letter grades as follows: “A”-four quality points; “B”-three quality points; C”-two quality points; “D”-one quality point; “F”-no quality points. Grades of “P,” “NC,” “I,” and “W” are not used in the computation of the official grade average of a student, and, therefore, do not carry quality points. All courses taken for which grades of “A,” “B,” “C,” “D,” or “F” are assigned, including repeated courses, are considered in calculating grade-point averages.
  4. The table below summarizes the above information and specifies the typical grade range for many courses at LSU Eunice.


Letter Grade


Percentage Grade for Most Courses at LSU Eunice*

Quality Points Per Credit Hour


Highest Degree of Excellence

90% - 100%



High Degree of Excellence

80% - 89%




70% - 79%



Passing but Unsatisfactory

60% - 69%




59% - Below








No Credit






Students should note that some degree programs at LSU Eunice use a different grading scale. For example, programs in Nursing (NURS), Radiologic Technology (RADT), Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DMS), Respiratory Care (RC), and Surgical Technology (SURT) use

A is 93-100%
B is 85-92%
C is 77-84%
D is 65-76%
F is 0-64%

Any difference in a program or course grading scale is disclosed on the program website, in the Student Handbooks, and/or in course syllabi given to students at the beginning of the course.

Degree of Precision in Grade-Point Averages

For all academic purposes, grade-point averages shall be specified to three significant figures (two decimal places), with the last figure to reflect rounding from a four-significant-figure (three decimal places) average where such is available. If the third figure after the decimal point is a five or higher, upward rounding shall occur. If the third figure after the decimal point is less than five, it shall be dropped, regardless of what the fourth or subsequent figures may be. Thus, 3.9550 becomes 3.96, and 3.9549 becomes 3.95. Regardless of the results of rounding, no student shall be deemed to have graduated with a 4.0 average if any grade other than A or Pass for courses completed appears on the transcript. Any grade-point average cited to only one decimal place (as 2.0) shall be construed to mean, mathematically, a figure accurate to two decimal places (as 2.00), regardless of the text.

Procedural Requirements for Obtaining a Diploma or Certificate

  1. Students must state their intent to graduate by completing an Application for Degree/Certificate no later than the registration period for the academic session in which they expect to complete degree requirements. A $45.00 graduation fee is due at this time. The diploma fee will be $25.00 if the student is registered as degree only.
  2. Students must meet all the general degree requirements stated in the “Associate Degree Programs ” section of this catalog.
  3. All financial indebtedness to LSUE must be cleared prior to graduation.
  4. Candidates for degrees are expected to participate in the commencement exercises unless excused by the Dean of Student Affairs.
  5. Once the student has completed the appropriate degree application form and paid the diploma fee, the student’s transcript will be evaluated for graduation. Transcripts evaluated for graduation will reflect all work through and including the last semester completed at LSU Eunice. It is the responsibility of the student to bring to the attention of the appropriate division or dean any subsequent work that may not be entered on the transcript (i.e., advanced placement credit, transfer work, etc.).

Scholastic Regulations

A. General

Scholastic regulations embody the academic standards of a university. The application of the following regulations is directed toward upholding the standards of this LSU Eunice, specifically to impose the requirement of satisfactory academic progress. Continuation of students who have demonstrated a lack of the necessary ability, preparation, industry, or maturity to make such progress and to benefit from a program of university study is inconsistent with the purposes and responsibilities of LSUE.

The academic regulations which follow set forth the conditions for good standing, probation, and exclusion and are intended to be consistent with the following objectives:

  1. To indicate to students, at an early date and with regularity, that achievement below the standards required for graduation is regarded as unsatisfactory.
  2. To allow beginning students the opportunity to remain in school until they have attempted at least the equivalent of one academic year as a full-time student.
  3. To give to students who perform poorly a warning which may prompt them to seek timely help from instructors, counselors, or other appropriate sources.
  4. To prevent students who lack the required motivation or maturity from building a deficiency of quality points so great that it cannot later be overcome.
  5. To state the standards and the consequent results of inadequate scholastic performance clearly enough that students, parents, faculty, and administrators can know the academic action (if any) which would follow from a particular academic record.

B. Definitions

Cumulative Average

A student’s cumulative average is calculated by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total number of semester hours attempted.

Good Academic Standing

Good academic standing is defined as the typical status of a student who has an overall 2.00 (“C”) grade-point average or greater.

C. Scholastic Requirements Probation and Suspension

Students can be placed on scholastic probation only on the basis of unsatisfactory grades made in college.

  1. Students who have attempted a minimum of 15 semester hours will be placed on academic probation whenever their cumulative grade point averages fall below 2.000. Once on academic probation, a student will remain on probation until a cumulative grade point average of 2.000 or higher is achieved.
  2. Students who are on academic probation and who have attempted a minimum of 24 semester hours and who fail to achieve a semester grade point average of at least 2.000 will be suspended for one semester.
  3. Students who transfer to LSU Eunice with less than 24 semester hours and who have a cumulative grade point average of less than 2.00 will be admitted on probation and subject to the scholastic requirements listed above. Transfer students who are currently on suspension from another university or college are not eligible for admission to LSU Eunice.

D. Provisions for Students Dropped from the Rolls of LSUE

Students can be placed on academic probation or dropped from LSUE on the basis of unsatisfactory grades only at the end of a regular semester. Students cannot be placed on probation or dropped from LSUE on the basis of work taken during the summer term. However, academic work during the summer term can result in a student being removed from a probation or dropped status.

  1. Students who are dropped for the first time for academic performance may not be considered for readmission until they have been out of LSU Eunice for one regular semester. However, students may apply for readmission through the academic appeal process in the Office of the Registrar. For more information on the appeal process, see Student Appeals.
  2. Students who have been dropped twice for academic performance must remain out of LSU Eunice for at least two regular semesters. Students may apply for readmission through the academic appeal process in the Office of the Registrar. For more information on the appeal process, see Student Appeals.
  3. Students who have been dropped three times or more for academic reasons will be dropped indefinitely. These students will not be considered for readmission for one year. Students who wish to be re-admitted sooner must apply for readmission through the academic appeal process in the Office of the Registrar.
  4. Students who have been readmitted after having been dropped for academic performance will be on academic probation when they return.
  5. Students who have been dropped for academic performance may not obtain credit toward a degree at LSU Eunice with credits earned at another institution during the period of their ineligibility to register for classes at LSU Eunice.
  6. Students who have been dropped may enroll in summer school at LSU Eunice. Students who remove all quality point deficiencies during the summer term may enroll in the fall semester. Removal of all quality point deficiencies means that, because of credit earned during the summer, the student’s LSU and overall grade-point average is now 2.00 or greater. Unless the LSU and overall grade-point average is 2.00 or greater at the end of the summer term, the student will have to comply with the terms of his or her drop status.

E. Registration Restriction

Freshman students are admissible to a course numbered above 1999 provided all stated prerequisites have been met, either through advanced placement or by having completed prerequisite courses.

F. Requirements for Transfer Students

The academic status of a student from an institution outside the LSU System who qualifies for admission to LSU Eunice will be determined in accordance with the above scholastic regulations.

G. Withdrawal Grades

A “W” will be entered on the student’s record for any course dropped within the dates specified in the academic calendar for that semester. After that time, students may not drop courses unless authorized to do so by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. This regulation applies to all courses dropped when a student resigns from LSU Eunice.

H. Notification of Academic Status

Students will be promptly notified of changes in their academic status which may affect their eligibility to enroll in LSU Eunice.

I. Credit for Repeated Courses

When a student, having taken a course in the LSU System, is permitted to repeat the course in the LSU System for credit, the latter of the two grades earned shall be the one which determines acceptability of the course for degree credit. All instances of repeated courses are included in grade-point average calculations; however, credit will be awarded only for the last repetition. A student may not repeat a course in which a grade of “C” or better has been earned unless the catalog description indicates that the course may be repeated for credit or the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs approves the repetition for some special reason. If a student registers for a course in violation of the above policy, the student may be denied degree credit for the course. A student may not repeat a course for which the LSU Eunice grade of record is an “I.”

Students who receive a grade of “F” in a course must repeat the course in the LSU System in order to receive credit for it. With the concurrence of the dean in which the course is given, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs may make exceptions in individual cases.

Advanced-Standing Program

The advanced-standing program is open to students possessing superior ability and academic preparation. The program permits eligible students to demonstrate academic competence through examinations. Students who earn acceptable scores on these examinations are placed in higher level courses and receive credit in courses by-passed. Credit by examination is limited to 30 semester hours. Credit is awarded only in areas which fall within LSU Eunice’s regular curricular offerings and which are appropriately related to the student’s educational goals. This credit cannot be used to reduce the minimum residence requirement for graduation. Students may qualify for advanced-standing credit in the ways listed below:

  1. LSU Eunice Divisionally Administered Examinations: considered equivalent to final examinations. Ordinarily, to initiate examinations, students must obtain permission from the dean offering the courses and the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Students may apply for these tests only after they have been admitted to LSU Eunice. A student must petition to take an LSU Eunice Divisional Examination by the end of the 14th class day. In certain disciplines, divisionally administered examinations may be required for placement purposes. Otherwise, tests will be given subject to the following conditions:
    1. The student must have been admitted to LSU Eunice* and must be in good academic standing. If the examinations are taken while the student is not enrolled in LSU Eunice,* credit will be granted after registration for residence study. Advanced-standing examinations will be void and credit disallowed if a lapse of more than one calendar year occurs between the time the advanced-standing examination is taken and the student’s initial enrollment on this campus. For foreign languages the time period is two calendar years.
    2. To initiate examinations, a student must obtain permission from the dean of the departments offering the courses and the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. After such permission is granted, the Office of the Registrar will issue an official permit. No instructor may give an advanced-standing examination until the official permit has been received.
    3. If a grade of C or higher is earned on the examination, a mark of P and regular credit in the course are entered on the student’s record. If a grade lower than C is earned, only the fact that the examination has been attempted will be recorded; credit will not be allowed. A student may take an advanced-standing examination in a particular course only once.
    4. Students are not permitted to schedule advanced-standing examinations in courses in which they are currently enrolled; in courses which they have audited; in courses in which they have earned unsatisfactory grades; or in courses in which they have dropped with grades of “W.”
    5. Credit earned through advanced-standing examinations will not be used in computing the student’s grade-point average.
    6. At LSU Eunice, advanced-standing examinations are given free of charge only to those students who are invited to take examinations at LSU Eunice. All other students must pay a fee of $30 per credit hour+ (certain exceptions may be made for nursing examinations).
  2. The American College Test: Scores earned on this test are used as a basis for allowing credit in freshman English and Mathematics.
  3. The Advanced Placement Examination of the College Entrance Examination Board: Advanced placement and credit will be granted in appropriate subjects to freshmen who earn a grade of 3, 4, or 5 on the advanced-placement examination. About one-fourth of American secondary schools currently participate in the Advanced Placement Program of the College Board. Each May, these examinations are administered by the College Board to students who have participated in the program. For information on general program data and policies, contact Advanced Placement Program, The College Board, 45 Columbia Ave., New York, New York 10023-6917. There is a $30 per course+ fee for the posting of credit through the College Board. The following table shows credit awarded by LSU Eunice and the score requirements:

* All LSU campuses adhere to the same scores.

Examination Minimum Score Courses Hours Credit
Art, History of 3 ART 1440  or ART 1441   3
  4 ART 1440  and ART 1441   6
Biology 3 BIOL 1201  and BIOL 1202   6
  4 BIOL 1201 , BIOL 1202 , BIOL 1208 , and BIOL 1209   8
Chemistry 4 CHEM 1201  and CHEM 1202   6
  5 CHEM 1201 , CHEM 1202 , and CHEM 1212   8
Economics: Microeconomics 4 ECON 2000     3
Economics: Macroeconomics 4 ECON 2010   3
English Language & Composition 3 ENGL 1001   3
  4 ENGL 1001   3
  5 ENGL 1001  and ENGL 1002   6
English Literature 4 ENGL 2025  or ENGL 2027   3
Environmental Science 3 ENVS 1126   3
Foreign Language 3 FREN 1001  and FREN 1002   8
  4 FREN 1001 , FREN 1002 , and FREN 2101   11
  5 FREN 1001 , FREN 1002 , FREN 2101 , and FREN 2102   14
  3 SPAN 1101   and SPAN 1102   8
  4 SPAN 1101 , SPAN 1102 , and SPAN 2101   11
  5 SPAN 1101 , SPAN 1102 , SPAN 2101 , and
SPAN 2102  
Geography, Human 3 GEOG 1001 
Government, Politics (U.S.) 3 POLS 2051   3
History, American 3 HIST 2055  or HIST 2057   *3
  4 HIST 2055  and HIST 2057   6
History, European 3 HIST 1003   3
Mathematics: Calculus AB 3 MATH 1431   3
  4 MATH 1550   5
Mathematics: Calculus BC 3 MATH 1550   5
  4 MATH 1550  and MATH 1552   9
Physics B 4 PHYS 2001   3
Physics B 5 PHYS 2001  and PHYS 2002   6
Physics C: Mechanics 4 PHYS 2101   3
Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism 4 PHYS 2102   3
Psychology 3 PSYC 2000   3
Spanish 3 SPAN 1101  and SPAN 1102   8

 *The specific course will be decided after the department interviews the student.

  1. Subject Examinations of the College Level Examination Program of the College Entrance Examination Board: policies governing minimum required scores and the acceptance of credit are established by the appropriate academic departments. LSU Eunice allows credit on 25 CLEP subject examinations. (Credit is not permitted for CLEP general examinations.) Departmental course credit recommendations for satisfactory scores on CLEP subject examinations are included in the chart below. There is a $30 per course+ fee for the posting of credit for CLEP subject examinations.
CLEP Subject Exam Minimum Score LSU Eunice Equivalent Hours Credit
American History I 50 HIST 2055   3
American History II 50 HIST 2057   3
American Government 50 POLS 2051   3
American Literature 50 ENGL 2071  and ENGL 2072   6
Analysis & Interpretation of Literature 50 ENGL 2025  and ENGL 2027   6
Biology 50 BIOL 1001  and BIOL 1002   6
Calculus 50 MATH 1550   5
Chemistry 50 CHEM 1001  and CHEM 1002   6
College Algebra 50 MATH 1021   3
College Mathematics 50 MATH 1015   3
College Composition (non-modular exam)1 50 ENGL 1001   3
College French 50 FREN 1001  and FREN 1002   8
  59 FREN 1001 , FREN 1002 , FREN 2101 , and FREN 2102   14
College Spanish 50 SPAN 1101  and SPAN 1102   8
English Literature 50 ENGL 2020  and ENGL 2022   6
Human Growth & Development 50 PSYC 2070    3
Introduction to Educational Psychology 50 PSYC 2060   3
Introductory Psychology 50 PSYC 2000   3
Introductory Macroeconomics 50 ECON 2010   3
Introductory Microeconomics 50 ECON 2000   3
Introductory Sociology 50 SOCL 2001   3
Natural Sciences 50 BIOL 1001  and PHSC 1001   6
Precalculus 50 MATH 1023   5
Western Civilization I 50 HIST 1001   3
Western Civilization II 50 HIST 1003   3

1 A student with a minimum score of 50 on the College Composition Modular CLEP subject exam will not receive credit for English 1001. However, if the student earned a minimum of 50 on the college composition modular CLEP subject exam, the student could write the ENGL1001 a cause/effect essay and take the ENGL1001 final exam, and if both earn a score of 70% or higher, the student could receive credit for ENGL 1001. Contact the Division of Arts and Sciences for details.

+Please note that the transcripting fee is subject to change without notice.

Class Attendance Requirements

Students are responsible for ensuring that they are properly registered for their classes. To derive maximum benefit from a course, the student should attend class regularly and punctually. Absence from class for any reason, avoidable or unavoidable, results in a loss to the student. Absences, if excessive, may be a direct cause of low achievement or even failure. Regular class attendance is a vital part of academic success; therefore, the following attendance regulations shall be observed:

  1. The student is responsible for attendance.
  2. The student is expected to attend all classes regularly and punctually.
  3. The student is expected to resolve his or her absence and class tardiness with the instructor. The student is also advised to file an explanatory statement of absences with the Office of Student Affairs.
  4. When in the judgment of the instructor a student for any reason has missed a class often enough to jeopardize his or her position in the class course, the instructor will refer the student to the Office of Student Affairs.
  5. A student dropped from the rolls of LSU Eunice for non-attendance of classes will not be eligible to reenter LSU Eunice until after the following semester.

Schedule Changes

Up through the last day to add classes or change sections for a given semester, students who want to change their class schedule should first consult with their faculty advisor before making a schedule change using the online myLSUE registration system. After the last day to add classes and up through the final date to drop or resign, schedule changes will be completed online using the myLSUE registration system. The effective date of the schedule change is the date that the change is made by the student or his or her faculty advisor. This date will be used to determine whether or not the student has met the various deadlines specified in the current academic calendar. The online registration process used at LSU Eunice will allow students to drop all of their courses with the exception of the last course. Students withdrawing from all courses in which they are registered must complete a Resignation Form in the Office of the Registrar.


  1. The policy regarding grades for students who resign is included in the Scholastic Regulations section above.
  2. A student who resigns from LSU Eunice or who is dropped from LSU Eunice for any reason may be ineligible to re-enroll for a semester or longer, depending upon the student’s academic standing at the conclusion of the semester during which he or she resigns or is dropped.
  3. To resign officially, a student must fill out a Resignation Form online or in the Office of the Registrar.
  4. The date on which the completed Resignation Form is signed by the student in the Office of the Registrar is the effective date of the resignation. This date will be used to determine whether or not the various deadlines specified in the current academic calendar have been met.
  5. Students who absent themselves from LSU Eunice without leave and without official resignation will, at the end of the semester, receive grades of “F” in courses for which they are registered. In addition, students receiving Title IV financial aid who leave LSU Eunice without officially resigning will be held to the return of funds policy as designated by the U. S. Department of Education once an official withdrawal date has been established.


At Louisiana State University Eunice, students remain in the freshman classification until they have completed 29 semester hours of work. Students having completed 30-59 semester hours of work are classified as sophomores.

Maximum and Minimum Work

All full-time students must register for a minimum of 12 semester hours of course work. Students will be permitted to register for not more than three semester hours of work in addition to the number prescribed for the current semester in their curriculum, providing they have maintained an average of B, and have not fallen below a grade of C in any subject during the preceding semester, but in no case will a student be permitted to register for more than 21 semester hours of degree credit during a regular academic semester. Students are not permitted to schedule more than 19 hours without approval of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

Students who are unable to carry the entire course load required in their curriculum may be permitted to register for a fewer number of semester hours; however, they cannot be classified as full-time students while taking fewer than 12 semester hours (or fewer than 6 semester hours in the summer).

For the summer term a student must register for at least 6 semester hours to be classified as a full-time student. Twelve semester hours of credit is the maximum for which a student may register during a summer session.

Pass-Fail Option

Some courses have been approved to be graded pass-fail for all students enrolled. In addition, limited use of a pass-fail option is available to non-matriculating students. Non-matriculating students wishing to petition for pass-fail grades must fill out a Special Permission Form and have it approved.

Until and including the last day for adding courses for credit, students may, with appropriate approval, change from pass-fail to graded status and vice versa. No such change may be made after the last day for adding courses for credit. Credit will be awarded for courses passed with a grade of “P”; however, such grades will not be considered in computing the grade-point average. An “F” in a pass-fail course will be treated as any other “F”.


A student may be admitted to a class as an auditor by obtaining written permission via Special Permission Form from the appropriate dean to audit the course. Students auditing a course will not receive University credit, nor will they be permitted to take an advanced-standing examination on work audited. However, courses previously audited may be later taken for credit. Changes from “credit” to “audit” must be made prior to the deadline for adding courses or making section changes. Courses taken for “audit” do not count towards fulfilling degree requirements, nor do they fulfill eligibility requirements for the receipt of financial aid.


Final examinations are required and are given at the end of each semester, summer term, and intersession in accordance with the schedule issued by the Office of the Registrar. All exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. A student absent from a final examination because of illness or other valid reason may take a special examination upon the approval of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and the consent of the instructor.


All students must participate in required divisional and campus-wide assessment efforts.

Grade Reports

Students may access their grades online through the myLSUE student information system.

Student Appeals

Louisiana State University at Eunice reserves the right to withhold future services (registration, transcript, diploma, etc) to persons who have any outstanding financial obligation with the University.

It is LSU Eunice’s policy to provide students with well-established appeal procedures for questioning the validity of any regulation, rule, policy, requirement, or procedure as it applies to the individual student. It is recognized that student dissatisfaction which will result in an appeal may range from a simple disagreement over the interpretation and application of a departmental rule, to a more severe dispute over the application of a particular campus regulation to the student’s own situation, to a very serious charge of discrimination or violation of constitutionally guaranteed rights. Although recognizing the wide range of possible complaints, and varying degrees of seriousness of complaints, LSU Eunice has developed a uniform appeal procedure to be followed for all appeals, except the following: the challenging of any traffic or parking summons or citation and grievances growing out of student employment. 

It is LSU Eunice’s basic philosophy that student appeals can best be, and, hence, should be, settled at the lowest possible administrative level and settled as quickly as practicable. The following general provisions apply to student appeals:

  1. The decision to utilize an appeal procedure shall be voluntary on the part of the individual student. All students shall have the right to make appeals without fear of coercion, harassment, intimidation, or reprisal from LSU Eunice or its employees for the act of utilizing an appeal procedure.
  2. No LSU Eunice employee is to take reprisal action against a student for the act of making an appeal. However, it should be understood that capricious charges made by a student against a campus employee may make that student liable to action through the courts.
  3. LSU Eunice recognizes the rights of all parties, the students filing an appeal, and employees against whose action the appeal is filed, to impartial appeal decision-makers.
  4. The student shall have the right to have an advisor, or advisors, present at all discussions and hearings held as a part of an appeal; however, the advisor would not normally be used at the initial discussion between the student and the campus employee. The advisor(s) may be a friend, a parent, a faculty member, an ombudsman, an attorney, or any other person chosen by the student.
  5. If an appeal alleges that the cause of the appeal grows out of an inappropriate action by a particular employee or employees of LSU Eunice, the employee or employees shall also have the right to be present at all appeal meetings and/or hearings. The employee may have an advisor present at all such meetings.
  6. The confidentiality in all appeal proceedings shall be maintained in accordance with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.

Consistent with the general policy statement above, LSU Eunice provides the following types of appeals:

  1. General Appeals. A student may use the general appeal procedure to formally question the validity of any campus regulation, rule, policy, requirement, or procedure as it applies to him or her, except as listed in 2 and 3 below. Examples of general appeals are
    1. Student Grade Appeal. Appeals of final grades must be initiated by the student within 20 days after the beginning of the next regular semester. changed from 30 to 20 on 1/18/2023
    2. Student Loan Default Appeal. Students have a right to appeal the decision by LSU Eunice to withhold academic transcripts due to a defaulted student loan or other financial obligations owed to LSU Eunice. Such appeals on the LSU Eunice campus are heard by the Dean of Student Affairs.
    3. Student Appeal of Academic Ineligibility. Students who have been dropped from the rolls for academic reasons may appeal for readmission. The application and supporting documents must be received in the Office of the Registrar by the deadline posted in the Academic Calendar .
  2. Challenges of LSUE Traffic Citations. A special procedure is available whereby a student may challenge any LSUE traffic citation issued to a vehicle operated on campus by a student or for the benefit of a student. Such challenging must be initiated within one week of the date of issuance of the citation.
  3. Grievances by Student Employees of LSU Eunice. Students who are also employees of LSU Eunice shall have the right of appeal when work rules and other conditions of employment result in dissatisfaction.

Detailed procedures for filing appeals are available from the following administrative offices: Office of Academic Affairs (academic appeals); Office of Student Affairs (traffic citations); Office of Financial Aid (grievances by student employees).

Transcript of Record

Upon request, a student who has attended LSU Eunice may obtain a transcript of work completed provided the student has fulfilled all financial and other obligations to LSU Eunice. The cost is $5 per transcript. Persons wishing to order an LSU Eunice transcript may find additional information here: http://www.lsue.edu/registrar/requesttranscript.php.

Privacy and Release of Student Education Records

Louisiana State University at Eunice students should note that the application of the privacy rights as defined by FERPA extend to all students enrolled, regardless of site or methodology of instruction. This includes all students enrolled in distance education technology.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (sometimes referred to herein as “the Act”), as amended, sets forth requirements designed to protect the privacy of student education records. The Act gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. These rights generally transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends post-secondary (beyond 12th grade) school. The law governs access to records maintained by educational institutions and the release or disclosure of certain information from those records. This notice is published in each “Registration Schedule of Classes” to explain the rights of students with respect to records maintained by Louisiana State University at Eunice (“LSU Eunice” or “the university”). It also outlines LSU Eunice’s procedures to comply with the requirements of the Act. Copies of the Act, the Federal Regulations adopted pursuant to it, and this notice are available for viewing on LSU Eunice’s website (http://www.lsue.edu/registrar/index.php) and in the Office of the Registrar in the Geaux Center Acadian Building Room 117.



1. The meaning of “education records” is, with certain exemptions as listed below, those records, files, documents, and other materials which contain information directly related to a student, and are maintained by any employee or agent of the university. The following categories of information are exempted and are not considered to be “education records”:

  • Records made by university personnel which are in the sole possession of the maker and are not accessible or revealed to any other person except a temporary substitute of the maker.
  • Records maintained by the LSU Police Department for law enforcement purposes.
  • Medical and counseling records used solely for treatment. (Medical records may be personally reviewed by a physician of the student’s choice.)
  • Records of student workers related exclusively to the student’s employment with the University.
  • Records only related to a former student (alumni records) that are not directly related to the student’s attendance as a student. Records of that individual while a student continue to be considered education records.

2. All records pertaining to students which are maintained by University offices are official University records, and as such, remain the property of the university.

3. Each University unit has an obligation to keep a record of requests for access to, and disclosures of, personally identifiable information in student records information except when the request is from the student, a University official with a legitimate educational interest, someone requesting directory information, or related to a request with written consent from the student. Students have the right to review this record of requests and disclosures of student record information.


Data or information which includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • The student’s name.
  • The name of the student’s parents or other family members.
  • The address of the student or the student’s family.
  • A personal identifier such as the student’s Social Security Number, LSUEID, or biometric record.
  • Other indirect identifiers, such as the student’s date of birth, place of birth, mother’s maiden name.
  • Other information that alone or in combination, is linked or linkable to a specific student that would allow a reasonable person in the school community, who does not have personal knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to identify the student with reasonable certainty.

Information requested by a person whom the university reasonably believes knows the identity of the student whom the education record relates.


Any individual who is or has been in attendance at LSU Eunice and regarding whom LSU Eunice maintains education records.

Policy Detail


Students are granted the right to inspect and review all of their education records, except the following:

  • Financial records of parents.
  • Confidential letters and statements of recommendation placed in education records prior to January 1, 1975.
  • Confidential letters and statements of recommendation for admission, employment, or honorary recognition placed in education records after January 1, 1975, for which students have waived their right of access.


Students may waive their right of access to confidential letters and statements of recommendation. Even if the student signs a waiver, upon request, the names of all persons making confidential recommendations will be made available. Employees or agents of the University may not require a student to waive his or her right of access for receipt of university benefits or services.


  1. Students have the right to inspect and review education records within 45 days after receipt of the request for access. Requests to review records must be made separately, in writing, to each office maintaining records. That office will make arrangements to comply with the request as expeditiously as possible not later than 45 days after receipt of the request. If the records are not maintained by the office to which the request was submitted, that office shall so advise the student, and the student shall address his or her request to the appropriate office.
  2. Information contained in education records will be fully explained and interpreted for students by University personnel assigned to, and designated by, the appropriate office.
  3. Students have the right to review only their own records. When a record contains information about more than one student, disclosure cannot include information regarding the other student(s).
  4. The University reserves the right to deny copies of records, including transcripts, not required to be made available by the Act if the student has an unpaid financial obligation to the university.


  1. Students have a right to challenge the content of their education records if they consider the information contained therein to be inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the student’s privacy rights.
  2. This process includes an opportunity for amendment of the records or insertion of written explanations by the student into such records.
  3. Students challenging information in their records must submit, in writing, a request for a hearing to the appropriate office maintaining the record, listing the specific information in question and the reasons for the challenge.
  4. Within 45 days of receipt of the written request for hearing, the University will inform the student of the date, place, and time of the hearing and the identity of the official in charge of the hearing. The notice will be mailed to the student at least two weeks in advance of the hearing.
  5. The right to challenge grades does not apply under the Act unless the grade assigned was inaccurately recorded, under which condition the record will be corrected.


  1. Students challenging information in their records must submit, in writing, a request for a hearing to the appropriate office maintaining the record, listing the specific information in question and the reasons for the challenge.
  2. Within 45 days of receipt of the written request for hearing, the university will inform the student of the date, place, and time of the hearing and the identity of the official in charge of the hearing. The notice will be mailed to the student at least two weeks in advance of the hearing.
  3. Hearings will be conducted by a university official who does not have a direct interest in the outcome of the hearing.
  4. Students shall be afforded a full and fair opportunity to present evidence relevant to the reasons for the challenge, as referenced in item IV. The student may be assisted by individuals or an attorney at his or her expense.
  5. The hearing officer will render a decision, in writing, noting the reason and summarizing all evidence presented within 30 days of the hearing. The decision will be based solely on the evidence presented and will include a summary of the evidence and the reason(s) for the decision.
  6. Should the hearing be in favor of the student, the record shall be amended accordingly and the University shall notify the student of the amendment in writing. Should the request be denied, the student may choose to place a statement with the record commenting on the accuracy of the information in the record and/or setting forth any basis for inaccuracy. When disclosed to an authorized party, the record will always include the student’s statement and the hearing officer’s decision, as long as the student’s record is maintained by the university.
  7. If students have questions regarding the procedure for challenging records, they should contact the Office of the Registrar at (http://www.lsue.edu/registrar/index.php) in the Geaux Center Acadian Building Room 117.


Written, dated, and signed consent must generally be obtained from students for the release of information from education records, specifying what is to be released, the reasons for release, and name of the party or class of parties to whom the record are to be released, with a copy of the record sent to the student if he or she desires.


  1. The requirement for consent does not apply to the following:
    • Requests from school officials who have a legitimate education interest on a “need to know” basis. School officials are members of the faculty and staff of LSU Eunice, including student employees or agents of the University, as necessary or appropriate, to conduct official business, as authorized by the University. Legitimate educational interest includes performing a task related to the regular duties of the employee or agent, the student’s education, the discipline of a student, a service or benefit for the student, or maintaining safety and security of the campus.
    • Requests from a person employed by or under contract with the University to perform a special task.
    • To public officials as specified in the Act.
    • To agencies or institutions that have requested records in which a student seeks or intends to enroll or is already enrolled so long as the disclosure is for purposes related to the student’s enrollment or transfer.
    • To organizations for use in studies designed to develop, validate, or administer predictive tests, administering student aid programs, and improving instruction. Such agencies must agree not to divulge personally identifiable records to third parties and must agree to ultimately destroy these records.
    • Requests in compliance with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena, provided the University makes a reasonable attempt to notify the student in advance of compliance (except in certain cases involving grand jury subpoenas and subpoenas issued for law enforcement purposes and the court has ordered that the existence of the subpoena not be disclosed); or, when the University is involved in a legal action with a parent or student, where disclosure to the court, without a court order or subpoena, of records that are relevant for the University to proceed as plaintiff or to defend itself is permissible.
    • To comply with a court order obtained under the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 for education records considered relevant to a terrorism investigation or prosecution, without advance notice to the student.
    • Requests in connection with a student’s application for or receipt of financial aid.
    • Requests by state authorities and agencies specifically exempted from the prior consent requirements by the Act for disclosure of records to organizations conducting studies on behalf of the University, if such studies do not permit the personal identification of students to any persons other than to representatives of such organizations and if the personal identification data is destroyed when no longer needed.
    • Information submitted to accrediting organizations.
    • Requests by parents of a dependent student, as defined in Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
    • To parents or legal guardians of a student regarding the student’s violation of any federal, state or local law, or of any rule or policy of the university governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance.
    • To any person, including a parent, whose knowledge of the situation is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or any other individuals when, considering the totality of the circumstances, the University has determined that there is an articulable and significant threat to the health or safety of a student or any individual.
    • To authorized federal officials who have need to audit and evaluate federally-supported programs.
    • To the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)/Department of Homeland Security (DHS) concerning an F, J, or M nonimmigrant alien, only to the extent necessary for the University to comply with Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) reporting requirements, as mandated by the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, the USA PATRIOT Act, the Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act of 2002, and the regulation at 8 CFR 214.1(h). Consent is not necessary for the university to disclose required information to USCIS or DHS in compliance with SEVP reporting obligations.
    • As of January 3, 2012, the U.S. Department of Education’s FERPA regulations expand the circumstances under which education records and personally identifiable information (PII) contained in such records — including the Social Security Number, grades, or other private information — may be accessed without the student’s consent. First, the U.S. Comptroller General, the U.S. Attorney General, the U.S. Secretary of Education, or state and local education authorities (“Federal and State Authorities”) may allow access to the records and PII without the student’s consent to any third party designated by a Federal or State Authority to evaluate a federal- or state-supported education program. The evaluation may relate to any program that is “principally engaged in the provision of education,” such as early childhood education and job training, as well as any program that is administered by an education agency or institution. Second, Federal and State Authorities may allow access to education records and PII without the student’s consent to researchers performing certain types of studies, in certain cases even when the university objects to or does not request such research. Federal and State Authorities must obtain certain use-restriction and data security promises from the entities that they authorize to receive the PII, but the Authorities need not maintain direct control over such entities. In addition, in connection with Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems, State Authorities may collect, compile, permanently retain, and share without the student’s consent PII from education records, and they may track a student’s participation in education and other programs by linking such PII to other personal information about the student that they obtain from other Federal or State data sources, including workforce development, unemployment insurance, child welfare, juvenile justice, military service, and migrant student records systems.
    • The results of any disciplinary proceeding conducted by the University against an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence to the alleged victim of that crime.
    • To the victim of an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense.
    • To disclose information provided to the University under Section 170101 of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (42 U.S.C. 14071) concerning registered sex offenders who are required to register under that section.
    • Requests for “directory information” (see item VIII).
  2. The university reserves the right to verify the accuracy of any information contained in what purports to be an official University document (e.g., a transcript or diploma) or is provided to a third party. In addition, degrees (any honors, majors, minors and specializations) are considered public information since they are conferred in a public ceremony.


  1. LSU Eunice, in accordance with the Act, has designated the following information about students as public (directory) information:
    • Name
    • Address (local, home, and e-mail)
    • Telephone (local and home)
    • Major field of study/classification
    • Dates of attendance
    • Degrees, awards, and honors received
    • Most recent educational agency or institution attended
    • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
    • Weight and height of members of intercollegiate athletic teams
  2. Students have the right to have this directory information withheld from the public if they so desire. Each student who wants all directory information to be withheld must fill out the non-disclosure form in the Office of the Registrar in the Geaux Center Acadian Building Room 117. The hold will remain in effect until the student requests that it be lifted. Only currently enrolled students may place a hold on the release of directory information.
  3. The University receives many inquiries for “directory information” from a variety of sources, including friends, parents, relatives, prospective employers, other institutions of higher education, honor societies, licensing agencies, government agencies, and the news media. Each student is advised to carefully consider the consequences of a decision to withhold “directory information.” The University, in good faith, will not release directory information requested to be withheld, and any requests from persons or organizations outside the University will be refused unless the student provides written consent for the release.
  4. Given the ability of students to stay connected with family and friends via the Internet, etc., the University strongly recommends that personnel with access to directory information not release any addresses, phone numbers, or e-mail addresses to third parties. Requestors are to be directed to the Office of the Registrar.


Final responsibility for the interpretation of the provisions of this policy rests with the University Registrar. Any student who has reason to believe that the University is not complying with the Act or this policy should inform the Registrar in writing. The Registrar shall promptly review all such allegations. Students also have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the university to comply with the Act.



LSU Eunice does not maintain education records in one central office. Education records are maintained in the Office of the Registrar. Other education records are maintained in the Office of Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Enrollment Management (admission, financial aid information, and student employment), Athletic Department, and other offices. Questions regarding individual student records should be directed to the Office of the Registrar in the Geaux Center.  The Registrar will then direct the student to the appropriate location.

II. U. S. Department of Education

U.S. Department of Education, 1-800-872-5327. https://studentprivacy.ed.gov/node/548/

III. Contacts

For Interpretation of the policy or referral to area of responsibility for maintaining record(s), students may contact the Office of the Registrar in the Geaux Center Acadian Building Room 117 phone 337-550-1302.

Student Conduct

The prestige and standing of Louisiana State University Eunice is determined not only by its academic offerings, its faculty, and its physical facilities, but also by the reputation of its students. It is therefore expected that students will conduct themselves at all times so as to bring credit to themselves, to their family and community, and to LSU Eunice. Each student bears the responsibility of maintaining the most desirable and acceptable standards of behavior in all aspects of campus life. It is the responsibility of each student at LSU Eunice to know and observe all of the rules and regulations regarding student behavior. The LSU Eunice Code of Student Conduct contains regulations and responsibilities applicable to the students.  Students should consult the Code for details about their rights and obligations. The Code of Conduct is contained in the Student Handbook, which is available at www.lsue.edu/studentaffairs.

Policy on Sexual Harassment

LSUE is committed to providing a learning, working, and living environment that promotes integrity, civility, and mutual respect in an environment free of discrimination on the basis of sex and sexual misconduct.

Sexual misconduct is any sexual act or contact of a sexual nature that occurs, regardless of personal relationship, without consent of the other person(s), or that occurs when the person(s) is unable to give consent, or whose consent is coerced or obtained in a fraudulent manner. Sexual misconduct includes, but is not limited to, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual discrimination, sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, and stalking.

Pursuant to Title IX, LSUE does not discriminate and prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex and sexual misconduct. Such protection extends to both employees and students. Any questions or inquiries concerning the application of Title IX should be referred to the Campus Title IX Coordinator, Room 110 Mumphrey Center, LSU Eunice P.O. Box 1129 Eunice, LA 70535; phone (337) 550-1215.

For more information on the policy governing sexual misconduct, please see LSU Permanent Memorandum 73, Title IX and Sexual Misconduct online at https://www.lsu.edu/administration/policies/pmfiles/pm-73.pdf.

Eligibility to Represent LSU Eunice

No student will be permitted to officially represent LSU Eunice in any matter unless approved to do so by the campus.